Now or Never

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Season 05x24

~Doctors spend a lot of time focused on the future... planning it... working towards it. But at some point, you start to realize  your life is happening now...
Not after med school, not after residency, right now. This is it. It's here blink and you'll miss it.~

I wake up early just in time to watch the local news for traffic and get ready to go to the market to buy some last minute items for tomorrow my first day at Seattle Grace. It's a sunny day so I take the long way into the city take in the view. I want to take in as much as I can before the crazy schedule that's going to happen tomorrow, little did I know my day won't go the way I hoped.

CRASH. That's all I heard and, in a blink of an eye  a man was being dragged by a bus. That poor man. Blood. That's all you see the bus didn't stop until it was half way down the block. A woman screaming for help is what broke my trance, I jumped into action running to help the man.

"Ma'am I'm a doctor please let me help him ok I need you to move so I can help." I tried to find a pulse. "Sir can you hear me? Crap, someone call 911." I do the best I can but he's bleeding everywhere nonstop the best I can do is hold pressure and hope to the gods that the paramedics get here soon.

Im in the ambulance trying to keep him stable as the medic bags him. We pull up to the hospital as we ready him for transport. "Dude." I hear a woman say

"Unidentified male, dragged by a bus. He's clamped down so I couldn't intubate." The paramedic states

"Didn't they stop when they hit him?" Says a redhead.

"The bus driver didn't know he was there until he was half way down the block." I tell them as they all look at me like I'm some crazy chick. "Sorry I'm Dr. De La Rosa trauma and cardio." I still am getting crazy eyes I get it I'm young but now's not the time to be figuring anything out there a man that needs to be saved. We get cut off by the woman that was with him in the accident.

"Oh is he gonna be ok?" She says with a worry look. As the medics roll out her gurney for the ambulance that followed behind us.

We head to a trauma room. "Ok, I'll take over compressions." I move position with Dr.Torres as I learned her name was, and went to check his breath sounds.

"Ok push 20 etomidate and 100 sux." I state as we all start moving and helping John Doe the woman or as I like to call her La llorona because my gods the lady has been crying the whole time making it all about her, while this man is literally in shambles holding on for dear life comes in and cries even more.

"He saved my life. The bus was gonna hit me. He threw me out of the way." She kept going on and on as they tried to remove her and they finally manage to get her out. They remove the bandages around his face to reveal his disfigured face and skull.

"Ok, his skull is bashed in. Page Shepherd and Sloan. Start antibiotics and start cleaning out these wounds." Torres tells her intern. She then looks at me and says "Ok Dr. De La Rosa you said?" I nod. "Ok what hospital to you work at and are you a intern?" The two attending look at me with curious looks on their faces.

"Oh no I'm not a intern I'm an attending, actually I am starting here on Monday to be the chief of cardio and yes I know I look young I'm 24." I giggle as I see the look on their faces I'm used to it by now. What can I say I'm a genius a child prodigy if you will, and no before you say anything it is not bragging if it's true my papa said so, as well as all my mentors. I definitely deserve to brag and boast I worked hard to be here and how many brown and black women or any woman of color do you see in the medical field not many so there imma brag. (Power to the People and Viva la Raza)We deserve it!

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