No Tears Left to Cry

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"Somebody get me an O.R., please? Move beds three and four to the burn center."

"Coming through!"

Bailey and I walk in to the ER seeing it in shambles. "It's a mess in here." Bailey was the first to speak as we walk up to Owen

"Yeah, Kepner's out. Things don't run right without her."

"He's right." I say as I rub his arm.

"We have a GSW in five."

"Bailey, can you take that?"

"Yeah, b-b-but how are they..."

Owen looks at her. "Kepner and Avery? No word."

"They are as you expect hurting, and there's nothing that we can do but give them space." I tell her as Callie and Ben come over.

"I'm admitting that femur break in bed six. Bed five needs a RT consult."

"Okay, hold on. Hold on, um..." Owen starts to look over the charts on the tablet.

Callie gets impatient. "Okay, well, where's Kepner? I can just tell her."

Bailey quickly cuts her off. "Uh, she and Avery are out today." She says giving her a knowing look.

Callie looks at her then us. "Oh, God, today? Okay, what are we gonna do for them?

Ben was the first to give an input. "Flowers?" We all scrunched our faces at that. "No, that's weird."

Callie shakes her head. "Yeah, no, w-what else can we do for them?"

Alex and Wilson join in. "Do for who?"

We all answer him. "Kepner and Avery."

Wilson looks at us. "Oh, God, what do you do? Flowers?"

Ben gives her a look. "Vetoed."

"We could do a fruit basket?" We all look at Wilson with a dumbfounded look on all of our faces

Bailey was quick to cut her off. "Oh, stop."

"We could all sign a card." She quickly shoots out I give her a 'really' look. "Okay, I'm stopping."

Just when Alex was going to say something Amelia Derek's sister comes out of no where. "I lit a candle in the chapel. It made me feel better. You can all just, um, give them privacy. That's all they're gonna want." And with that she leaves.

"Ok, off you guys go." I wave them off. I watch as Amelia walks away knowing something is bothering her. She doesn't exactly like me at the moment, she has it in her head that Derek replace all of his sisters with me, more specifically her. But, that is not the case he talks about them all the time, and weather he admits it or not he is so proud of Amelia and everything that she has over came throughout the years.


Meredith, Alex and I are walking out of the elevator while she give him the rundown of babysitting the kids. "Zola's gonna push for cookies after dinner. Don't fall for it. And Bailey's blanket is in the dryer."

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