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Season 06x17

~ "The start of the day can be good it can also me bad. It's the fresh start that you need or it could be the one that you dread. But that's in the morning the rest of the day is what you make of it the choices and the Decisions you make. It's your push. Make the impact that you can make on others whether you make them, sad, happy, give them good news, or bad news. This is all up to you this is your game you decide the rules".~

I'm at the nurses station updating some of my charts when at of nowhere Owen calling after a smiling Dr. Webber. I look over at Dr. Webber and he winks at me and I laugh. Oh this is gonna be good and I don't know whats going to happen.

"Um ... Dr. Webber. Dr. Webber, I'd like to keep Audrey Taylor. She was my case..."

"You gave it to me." He says with a smug look"

"Oh, no, you swiped it." Cristina says coming out of nowhere scaring me


I start to tune out the convo because let's be honest it's getting boring and I got other things to do besides sit here and listen to then talk all day. That is until I heard a little redhead say something just wow.

"Old-school, which..."

Damn Dr. Webber is not going to like that "Old?" Yep I was right.

"Wow. I didn't see that coming." Cristina comments as I walk up by her asking her to show me the chart. When she shows it to me I can see what the big deal is about

"I-I didn't not mean your age. I meant the approach. Let's not make this personal." Owen tells him Cautiously.

"You just did, ginger. And you're right. I've been resecting tumors since you were in diapers. In my experience, they demand something A little me elegant than "by the seams of your pants."

I couldn't help it I laughed so hard holding on to Cristina. Owen looks over to me and rolls his eyes as Dr. Webber smiles. "This is my patient. L..."

"Good morning. Why are we arguing?" Derek asks as he and Meredith walk up to us.

"That." Cristina shows them the scans.

"Wow. Big."

"Whose patient is this?" He looks between both of them

Owen and Richard both say. "Mine."

"Work on it together."

"No pues wow thats not gonna work for the two alpha males." The girls snicker with me.

"Well, the Harper Avery is an individual award." Cristina states.

"Ah, I see where this is going."

"A case like this needs an aggressive approach that..." Owen try's to pitch his approach when in comes Webber shooting him down.

"Sloppy. It requires a methodical analysis..."

"Some would say outmoded." Owen says smugly.

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