Healing... and All That Crap.

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It's been a week since the accident and I have been taking it easy taking care of myself, letting others help me and doing less stressful things. I am the perfect patient...

Not! I hate this chingado broken ribs crap. People are everywhere coddling me, doing things for me, and I just hate it. Don't get me wrong I love everyone and their efforts to keep me comfortable and happy but it's getting to much for me to handle.

Today at this very moment I am escaping the "comfort of my own home" as everyone keeps putting it and escaping to my office in the hospital. Everyone forgets that I have it so it will be a perfect place to hide and do some research. I walk into the hospital and am instantly caught by Edwards. "Dr. De La Rosa hi. What are you doing here?" I raise a brow at the question. "I-I mean aren't you supposed to be resting at home."

"Yes, I am. No, not I'm not going back home. What have I told you about calling me Dr. De La Rosa you guapa are the only one of the residents with the exception of Ben to call me by my name, now come here." I walk over to her and linked my arm to her's as I use her as a form of stability. "You are going to help me out with a few things. Okay?" I look at her and she looks at me with a confused look but nods. "Words Steph." I smile at her. We had gotten close when she was dating Avery me only being 2 years older than her. Even after the whole Avery-Kepner drama we still stayed close, she is my favorite resident.

She rolls her eyes and smiles. "Yes, Isa." We both laugh as I guide her towards my "secret" office.on our wall I give her the rundown of how I want to spend my day and what I want her to do for me.

My office is not your typical office like tío's, or my papi's. It looks like a marvel tornado passed through. Posters, Funko pops, and Collectables cover everything. Its my home away from home my safe place. I look at all the plants that cover the corners and walls, my sanctuary. I wobble over to the couch and sit down, I pull out my laptop, reports, and cheese-itz. I pop one into my mouth and pull out my phone waiting for Edwards to bring my stuff.


After hours of research I decided to take a break and go out and walk the halls. I was stuck on the McNeil's case I have been looking into them after they first came in. Cristina did a beautiful job with them even if Frankie didn't make it Cristina did everything that I would have done. I just have to find a link that all three kids have with cardiomyopathy. I turn the corner and quickly hide as I hear and watch Bailey talk to the new Cardio attending. Bailey looks at her confused. "What sucks?"

Pierce looks at the tablet then her. Just as I was about to turn around and leave she says, "Robbie has dilated cardiomyopathy." This peaked my interest. "You should get cardiac anesthesia involved before you operate."

"We're gonna have to before that boy tries to push a pencil eraser through his..." she shudders. "pin hole."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to send out for Robbie's full exome panel. Just out of curiosity."

Bailey side eyes her. "You want to know if his cardiomyopathy is genetic?"


"I can run it for you." Bailey quickly states.

"You have a genome lab here?" Pierce asked surprised.

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