Amor y Paz

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Season 06x05

~When I was a niña I was taught "con paciencia y fuerza gañas todos." With patience and strength you win it all. I took it to heart it got me to were I am today. Made me the woman I am today. It's Hard growing up a plus-size Latina in highschool younger than everyone and also bisexual it is not easy living this life but it is easy for people to bully you. But im here to tell you now don't let them take you down.because at the end of the day its not them living your life.~

3rd person POV:

Callie is working in the ER. When Bailey walks up to her. "Did the gentleman from the waiting room ever find you?"

Callie looks up at her confused. "What?"

"It's the gentleman who could possibly be your father." Bailey looks at her unfazed

"What?" Callie says surprised as Bailey points with her head in the direction her dad is currently in Callie peeks into the waiting room and sees her father. She enters the room."Daddy." She says with a sad tone.

"Calliope." Carlos says with a sad yet happy tone as he spreads his arms out before quickly putting them back down.

"What... What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." A sad smile graced the older mans face


"Calliope, we used to talk. Every Sunday, we used to talk. I'd wait for your call, and you'd tell me everything, all about your crazy adventures. Even when you were in trouble, you'd still call, and we worked it out. We'd always work it out, mija. Hmm?" Callie chuckles and hugs him.

"Daddy. I'm sorry. I'm ... I'm sorry things got so ... Sure. But the fact that you came... "She stops smiling as she then sees a priest smiling at her from another seat and recognizes him as father Kevin."Daddy, is that father kevin?"

"Hello, Calliope."

Callie is shocked to see him there. "Wh ... are you t ... Two here to ... You think you can pray away the gay."

"We can just sit and talk." Her dad try's to coax her.

Callie starts to walk out as she shakes her head. "Oh, no. You can't pray away the gay."

"Calliope Iphegenia Torres!" Her dad starts to raise his voice.

"You can't pray away the gay!" Callie yells at her dad. She walks away.

Isabella's POV

While I was looking for supplies, Callie is frustratedly telling me what happened between her and her dad. "The man flew 3,000 miles to make me straight ... With a priest. I'm lucky they didn't March into the E.R. Swinging incense, All ... all hepped up for an exorcism."

I looks around the shelf. "Are you done yet?"

"Am I ... no! He came here to disinfect you and other women from my life. You don't find that abhorrent?" She says upset

"I do, but..."

"There is no "but," okay? Oh, what, you're gonna ... You're gonna tell me you get where he's coming from?"

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