Me and the Devil

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Season 11x20

"Ok Mrs. Cavlar you are all set so these lovely interns will take you up to get your X-rays and I will follow up in a bit."

"Oh thank you sweetheart." She squeezes my and smiles.

"No problem." I smile back then turn to the interns. "Dr. Rogers and Addams please take Mrs. Cavlar up and page me when you have the results."

"Yes, Dr. De La Rosa." And off they go.

I start to head over to the computers when Tío comes in shouting. "Bella, where is everyone?"

I look at him confused. "Anyone in particular?"

"Well, page everyone now. A plane went down. A small one, but it crashed right in the middle of the city."

"Tío, I didn't hear anything about..." Only seconds later, the phone calls start to come in.

Tío starts to remove his coat "There it is. Let's move, people!"

As we start to prep Owen gets off the elevator and starts shouting orders. "We need to set up a central triage area. Walking wounded can go to the ambulatory care center." And with that I head to the ambulance bay where Meredith and Bailey are waiting for the patient, to be taken out of an ambulance.

"They just keep coming. Is that the pilot?" Bailey asked the Paramedic

"Yeah, Sam Garrett, 36. BP's 90 palp. Tachy at 120. Probable abdominal injuries."

"Alright people let's get him inside." I tell them.

Meredith and Bailey are examining his abdomen Sam is telling us about his date and the whole ordeal after it. "Kate... She was so good. She was amazing."

"Abdominal distension. Diffused tenderness." Meredith states.

Bailey looks at his charts. "He needs a scan and a Isa you should really see this." She passes me the chart.

Bailey looks him over as I start reading the paper. "A guy has a heart attack, crashes his plane. It's a miracle he's still talking."

"It wasn't me. It was Kate. She was the miracle. My chest felt like a load of bricks on it. I couldn't move. She just took over. I tried to talk her through the landing, but... She was so brave. She just did it."

The door open and I look up to see Stephanie coming in. "Dr. De La Rosa? Is this Sam?"

"Yes, This is Sam."

Stephanie smiles at him. "Kate won't stop talking about you. How is he?" She directed the last question to us.

"Uh, you've seen her? Is she okay?"

"We're taking very good care of her. Don't you worry."

Sam sighs in pain or relief, and laughs. "I'm gonna marry that girl."

Stephanie laughs. "Uh, I think the feeling's mutual."

"That sounds crazy, but I will. I'm gonna marry her." His voice dies out at the end and the monitor starts to beep rapidly.

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