All That and a Bag of Chips

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Today has been a very busy day at work. I have been here since three in the morning, and at this very moment is the only free time I have until the next surgery. I am sitting crisscross apple sauce on the floor, next to Maggie, as I play with glitter and glue. Amelia unfortunately is also here reading something. "So, I'm just wondering if maybe we should rethink the resident-rotation system. I mean, make sure that our residents get an equal opportunity on every specialty." This makes me look up to see Callie and Tío in the room. I haven't talk to her since the dinner fiasco, I think she thinks I am upset with her. I'm upset don't get me wrong but not at her, just the woman she is seeing.

"Isn't that happening?" He asks as he crosses his arms.

"Well, there's a danger that our residents are being monopolized by a single attending."

Amelia cuts her off. "She's talking about Blake."

Callie side eyes her. "You know what?"

"Isn't Blake with Grey?"

"Yes, and she has been since she got here. I worry she's not getting a full education. And Grey is... She's... she's running her ragged."

"Residency runs you ragged. We've all been there, Torres. You know this as well as anyone."

"No, but this is different. This is different. I think it's personal." I roll my eyes at this and continue to vigorously sprinkle the green glitteriness all over the paper until Maggie takes it out of my hands and shakes her head pointing at my scrubs covered in glitter as well as the floor. I pout and cross my arms.

"Is it that you want to spend more time with your girlfriend?"

"Amelia, could you please..."

"I mean, you are saying that it's personal."

"Hey, hey... all right. All right. Has Blake expressed this concern or just you?"

"Okay. She's..."

Tío nods stopping her. "Blake stays with Grey. We don't have a policy to move around residents to accommodate your personal lives."

"No, that's not what I was saying."

"If Blake has a problem, she comes to me." With that Tío walks away to the coffee and Callie walks out the room.

Just as I stand and was about to whine at Maggie for taking my glitter. In comes an attractive man into the attendings' lounge. "Hey, all. Uh, I was just wondering if someone could tell me where I can get some scrubs."

I look at him confused. "Uh... Third floor by the dispensary."

"Cheers. You're, uh, Dr. De La Rosa-Sloan, right?"

I squint my eyes at him and straighten my back. "Mm-hmm."

"Yeah, I-I just wanted to say I'm super excited, and I can't wait to get started." He says happily.

"Ok." I say confused.

"Okeydokey. Yep." He smiles then leaves.

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