From You and I to Us.

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It's been a week since the face to face with Lou and I've been discharged from the hospital I'm all healed up except for the fact that my body remains sore due to the healing ribs, my stab wound, and the fact that my legs kinda give out on me when I stand or walk for to long, as well as my throat is stuck on mute. I haven't been able to talk only laugh or make weird sounds but no words. It really sucks to have your voice literally ripped away. So I am currently wheel chair bound and I have been carrying a whiteboard and a squishy ball to communicate with everyone, and by that I mean throwing the ball at their heads and asking for food every hour. I have been particularly cranky the pass two days do to the fact that I have been stuck in bed rest for the entire time I've been here. Owen told me that we were going to go out and eat after discharge and that made me just a bit happy.

I sit in the wheelchair pouting because Owen is taking forever while I have no choice but to sit here and wait for him. When he finally decides to grace me with his presence he looks at my face and mocks my pout. "Aw, is my baby girl mad?"

I squint my eyes at him and tilt my head. I quickly show him the board. 'YOU'RE LATE DIPSHIT.' He looks at me and laughs. I quickly erased the board and write 'YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY?' And throw the ball at him.

"No flor, it's not sorry." He picks up the ball and walks over to me giving me a peck on the lips. "I fact dinner's off." He walks behind me and starts to push the wheelchair. I look at him with a sad face. He smiles. "Just for a bit you'll like it. Your coming with me."

We walk down the halls as I decide to ask him questions. 'WHERE ARE WE GOING?' 'ARE WE ALMOST THERE?' 'CAN YOU GIVE ME A CLUE?' He proceeds to read each question but ignores me. I huff and write one more thing. 'JUST SO YOU KNOW IT'S A LITTLE SUSPICIOUS FOR A WHITE MAN TO KIDNAP A LITTLE MEXICAN. HISTORICALLY IT DOESN'T END WELL.' He laughs at the last statement.

"This time it will be ok. You'll like this one." He leans down to kiss my forehead. He looks up and smiles. "Excuse me, can we get five minutes before you leave?"

"Sure." The older woman smiles as she opens the door for us.

'FIVE MINUTES? FOR WHAT EXACTLY?' I look at him confused.

"Come on. Let's go." He pushes me into the room only for me to see a bunch of puppies in the room whining and barking happily. I smile as I cover my mouth. "Studies have shown that petting a dog can actually lower blood pressure." I grab his hand giddily. "And they make a really crappy day a lot less crappy." I bring him down for a kiss, when he pulls a way he smiles at me and carefully picks me up from my chair and settles me on the ground as he goes to open the little doors holding back the puppies. He runs back to me and sits behind me pulling me into his arms as we are attacked my cuteness. The puppies running around and having a blast. This was so worth canceling dinner.


Just as we were off Owen gets paged for a trauma. Maggie sees us and runs up to me and gives me a hug and kiss on the head. "Pierce, hi can you take Bella home? I just got paged for a trauma at the PIT." He looks at her with pleading eyes.

"Sorry I can't take her but, Bell do you wanna come with me to see a triple transplant? That way you're not by yourself and I mean a triple transplant you don't get to see those often?" I quickly nod and draw a smiley face on the board. "Ok that settles it. We just need to go find Mer and head up to Alex."

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