Tell me Pretty Lies.

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"I want him fired!"


"I want him arrested!" We have just been paged back to the hospital after April's disaster wedding. Ross when rouge and decided to do surgery on Alex's dad on his own and he ended almost killing the man.

"Webber is watching over your father like a hawk. His vitals are stable, and we're gonna do our best to keep it that way, okay?" I tell him. Owen and I try to calm Alex down before it can truly get worse. The doors to the room open and Tío comes out of Jimmy's room.

Owen was the first to speak. "What the hell was this kid thinking?"

"He wasn't thinking."

"Yeah, no kidding." Wilson quickly speaks up.

"He was hallucinating. He had no idea what was happening. He thought the patient on the table was Heather Brooks." The new he gave us was alarming as we looked at him in shock.

"Oh, my God." Murphy exclaimed and we all turn to her.


"He showed me how to fudge your hours in the system so you can continue working without having to sleep."

"Dios mío..."

"I'll find him." And with that Murphy leaves.

"Cristina's on her way. She's gonna..." I begin to speak when Alex cuts me off.

"No, Yang is not touching him."

"Alex, I think..." Wilson tries to calm him.

"If that kid messed up, it's on her. She lets him think he runs the place. Why do you think he hacked up Jimmy's heart all on his own?!" He starts to yell out loud.

Owen walks closer to him. "Let's just wait until we get all the facts..."

"She's screwing him!" Alex yells and stunned everyone. Except me, I knew. Of course I did, she told me like a responsible adult. What she does in her private time is all on her. But, the look on Owen's face is pure hurt and I don't know how all this is going to go down.


Three weeks later...

Their was an MVC pile up at the Downtown waterfront causing a lot of pedestrians to be caught in the cross fire, including the woman that Shane is trying to intubate. Owen has been trying to seem like he is not upset at the whole Ross and Cristina situation but by the way he got upset that the board let him stay on the program and how he is currently treating him I can say with utter certainty he is not happy. The board and I both agreed that I will keep a close eye on Ross, and that means I have to keep an eye on Owen too. "Hustle up, Ross. You're trying to protect her airway, not make it worse."

"Epiglottis is in the way. I can't see the..."

I watch as Owen rolls his eyes and huffs. "Dr. Warren, take over for Dr. Ross." As they make the shift I can tell that Tío and Ben are not to happy about how Owen is treating Ross.

"I'm sorry."

"Mm-hmm. Now, that is how a second-year resident intubates. Okay, Ross, go find her phone. See if she has any emergency contacts listed, unless you want Dr. Warren to show you how to do that, too." Ross huffs and walks out the room and I follow closely behind.

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