Surgery equals Battlefield

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It has been a couple of weeks and I have recovered very nicely. My voice has fully come back in all it's sexy powerfulness, and my legs are strong now. There is a slight pain that I'm going through but it's not that bad. I am currently doing some... physical therapy.

"Yes, yes, yes, gods Owen yes." I pressed my face into the bed as I feel his hands moving up and down my sides.

"How does that feel Flor." His grip tightens on my right hip releasing a perfect sensation.

"Muy, muy, bien mi amor." I look over my shoulder with a smile. "Do it again." He laughs as I put my head back down and he moves his hands in the same way. For a moment he stops for a couple of seconds. I look back up and watch as he stands and puts the oil inside the drawer. "Hey you're not done yet." I whine as I flip over and sit up on the bed. "I earned this back massage fair and square, I definitely deserve this." I state as I fix my oversized sleep shirt. He let's out a deep chuckle as he turns to face me.

"I know nugget, but I have something to do before we continue." He walks up to the edge of the bed and gets on one knee. "You will never understand the things you do to me Isabella. You are... you. In all your imperfect perfections, that I have adored the moment I first looked at you. You make me want to live. The saying goes 'I would die for you.' But for me it's, I will live for you. I will survive for you. So I ask you again even if I already know the answer will you marry me?"

I look at him with a smile on my face as tears roll down my cheeks. "Well... you are no Tom Hiddleston, but I guess you'll do." I shrug as he laughs at me and jumps on me tackling me to the bed and starts to tickle me. "I'm j-j-joking amor. S-stop! Ahhh!" He stops as we both catch our breath. "Yes. A million times yes." I pull him in for a loving kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down on me his body pressed heavenly on me.

He smiles in to the kiss and pulls away against all protests. "Thank you." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box with the most uniquely beautiful ring I have ever seen. "It took me a year to find the most perfect ring for you, so I asked your parents and they helped me make one that represented our love...

"Your parents told me about the tradition that your family has with emeralds in their engagement rings so I wanted to continue that as well

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"Your parents told me about the tradition that your family has with emeralds in their engagement rings so I wanted to continue that as well. The three little stones come from my family. They were part of an old ring my father gave to my mother, but it broke a while back and she didn't want to get rid of it so when I told her that I was going to propose to you I was just waiting on finding the prefect ring for you she gave me it and told me that she would love nothing more than for that ring to be some way apart of the new one for you. Just like I did, she fell in love with you the moment she met you and Pablo, she said from that moment she knew we were meant for each other." He slips the ring on my finger, and I smile as it fits perfectly on my finger.

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