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Season 07x09

~Strength is being able to stand in the same room as your trigger one not letting it get to you would like it hold on the power. And what if you just hold on, and what a life hold so much more than you can see right now.~

It's been a couple of weeks since the night after the bar and everything is slowly going back to normal with Callie. I'm currently 3 months pregnant so my first trimester is over and we will able to tell everyone and I am so excited. Mark wanted to have a big dramatic reveal so we all planed a dinner for tonight and tell everyone. And I mean everyone... we even invited over my family it's going to be amazing and I can't wait. I should also let it be known Arizona is back she gave Callie a surprise at the apartment telling her that she loves her and that she wants her back but Callie showed her who's boss and slammed the door on her face and I loved every bit of that story. She just lucky I wasn't there I may be pregnant but I can still kick her ass.

Owen and I are walking into the second floor nurse's station laughing and joking around when we notice the negative energy in the room we walk up to Bailey. "Hey, what's going on?" Owen asked her as I look to the tv.

"News: A major Seattle-area shooting ... We have reports that a gunman has opened fire on students and faculty."

"Bailey? Bailey, fill us in." I hear Owen and I grab his and and squeeze it.

"Owen." He looks at me as I point to the screen and when he sees he wraps his arms around me. I look around for Mark and see him hugging a crying Lexie we look at each other and nod.

"News: Again, that's at Pacific College. We now take you live to our on-scene reporter. Students and faculty are still in the building. I'm trying to get some answers, but what we know so far is that a gunman opened fire at Pacific College and that there are at least a dozen..."

I'm standing by Derek and all of the doctors have gathered in the ambulance bay. Listening for the instructions that Owen is going to give us. "There are 15 ambulances on the way. Maybe more to come. First one is three minutes out."

Dr. Webber comes up to the front. "People ... People ... our own trauma is fresh, and we are going to have feelings today, and there is no shame in that. What I want to say is, what we went through six months ago, they are going through right now, which makes them our brothers and sisters ... which makes them fellow travelers, which makes them our own. So to the very best of our ability, we are gonna do our work first. And you're gonna have your feelings later." Derek and I hold hands.

I can hear Lexie crying Mark also notices. "Grey.." she looks at him and tries to dismiss him. "Go to the pit, make sure we're stocked. Call the blood bank..."

"I'm fine." She shakes her head.

"Call the blood bank. Tell them to give us all the O neg they have." She goes as the first ambulance arrives.

The paramedic informs. "I got a cop. Michael Fazioli. 28. G.S.W. to the right upper arm and left leg."

"Okay, this one's mine. All right, I'm on that one. All right, Kepner, get him to trauma one. Do labs, trauma series, and X-ray this leg and arm." Dr. Webber orders. Everyone goes there separate ways as Owen pulls me with into the fourth ambulance.

"Jared Swork, 20 years old, single entrance wound to the left fifth intercostal space. No exit wound. Lost vitals in front of us. This is the emergency thoracotomy we called in about."

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