Valentine's Day Massacre

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Season 06x14

~Let go of the illusion that it could've been any different, because not all storms come to disturb your life, some come to clear your path. So don't compare your life to others there's no comparison between the sun and the moon they shine when it's their time.~

Bailey and I are walking down to the O.R. Board to see Callie is wiping the OR board clean. We walk up to her. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask her.

"Grandinetti's roof collapsed. We'll be getting more than a dozen. All scheduled procedures are pushed." She tells us.

"Ugh. On Valentine's Day?"

"God, grandinetti's must have been packed. Well, tonight's out." Bailey states as I nod my head in agreement.

"I told you this would happen." Callie says

"Well, that's why we went to dinner at 4:00 and exchanged gifts." We show Bailey the necklaces they gave each other. "Look. They say 'Ride or die' on it."

"Just special." Callie giggles. "Original. Magical. Squeals of joy." Bailey says in her Bailey monotone voice.

"Wow. Scrooge."

"Scrooge is Christmas. That's a holiday." Bailey say's sourly as Ben comes over to her.

"Dr. Bailey. Our hemicolectomy's pushed. That's a shame. I was ... I was really looking forward to that." He says with a smile.

"Well, as ... you know..." she stutters.

"Well, maybe we could make up for it. Dinner tomorrow?" He's say's confidently. Damn he's bold. I like it.

"No. Um ... just ... I'm ... busy. I have surgeries most nights. I always have surgery." She says stuttering again. I have never seen her like it before.

"Right. Well, um, maybe see you in the O.R., then." He walks away as we get on the elevator.

"Oh, my God. She likes him." Callie says teasingly

"Oh, you like him?"

"Oh, my God. You should totally go out with him." Callie says as she pushes and pulls on Bailey's arm

"You have to say yes. Esta muy guapo." I say with a smirk

"Oh, no."

"It's Valentine's day. You have to. El día de amor." We start giggling about it, much to Bailey's discomfort.

"Okay, see, that ... this right here, what's happening, the giggling ... the girl talk, the Spanish... okay, it has to stop. I am busy." She walks out the elevator at a run. A run

Mark finds Callie and I as we walk to a nurse's station. "Hey, Torres, Isabella." He says my name all seductively that it brings me chills. "Do you guys know anything about putting together cribs?"

"You bought a crib?" We both ask

"Well, Sloan's coming home tonight, and I got it put together, but it wobbles. And it can't wobble. Now will you take a look at it?"

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