Adiós Amor

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"This is killing me. We have not moved in 10 minutes. I swear that Bumblebee has passed this car twice already. It passed us, it circled the earth, and then came back around to pass us again."

"Yeah, because we left late because you overslept." Alex and I tell Maggie. I open my eyes and look at him through the rearview mirror and and gave him a little side eye and smirk. Since Owen was doing a night shift Pablo and I stayed over Mer's house. We have been sitting in traffic for the last 12 hours. Ok, I'm exaggerating but if you were sitting down in all this tráfico you would feel the same way.

"Not fun when you're driving and someone makes you late." Mer laughs at Alex.

He rolls his eyes. "If you want to stay up all night screwing around with some dude, I don't care, till you spend all morning complaining about it in my car."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"We share a wall."

"So move out! Nobody told you you could crash in Amelia's room, anyway!" Maggie quietly  shouts at him.

Meredith cuts in. "Okay, it's not Amelia's room anymore." I look at the window as more and more ambulances and fire trucks pass by. "What is that?"

"Two fire trucks, and three ambulances. That's got to be like a four or five-car pileup." I start to say as I get on my knees and stick my head out the window.

Alex calls out. "50 bucks says a big rig's involved." With that bet in play Meredith, Maggie, and I run out the car and start go to the scene.

"Hey. Hey! That's not a good idea."

"Let's go, Alexander." I smile at him and run into the distance.


"We got a 45-year-old male with a head lac, positive LOC on the scene. Also has abdominal contusion." Mer summarize for the team as we get down from the rig.

"I'd like to say it's not as bad as it looks, but..." Lou states.

"Major pileup, multiple wounds. A big rig flipped. Bigger mess." I inform everyone.

"Do you think he has intra-abdominal injury?" Blake asks Meredith.

"Well, there's one way to find out."

Blake, Ben, Meredith, and I take Lou inside and begin to examine Lou. "A bony deformity in the temporal region. 5 centimeter head lac." I say as I check his head.

"Abdomen's clear." Ben tells me as I move over to check his breathing and Heart.

"Palpable pulses in all four extremities." Blake informs.

Meredith continues with his head exam. "We've got mild pupillary asymmetry. We need to get a head C.T. Let's page Neuro." Ben nods  and moves to the phone.

"Starting to regret taking that tour of the city today. No rain. Thought it was a good idea. I got more than I bargained for."

"Well, you did hit your head pretty good, Lou... but we're gonna get you fixed up." I give him a smile as I move to his side.

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