Protective Papa Mode

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Season 13x14

So Pablo recently was transferred to an Advanced Placement class. The boy definitely got my smarts so now he is in a fourth grade classes instead of first grade and he has been having problems with a couple of fifth graders in his Math class.

"How long has this been going on." I cross my arms and tap my heel on the floor as I stand in front of the Dean of the school. Owen sits in the chair staring her down.

"About five months." She meekly tells us.

"So why did I just find out yesterday when my son comes home dirty, tears in his eyes, and with all his papers ripped as he tells me how the kids pushed him to the floor and threw dirt at him." Owen growls at her.

"We thought we had a handle on things. He should have told you himself." She tells us confidently.

"When you were younger, did you tell your parents everything that was happening at school?"

"No, but-" I cut her off.

"Exactly, we are talking about a boy who is four years younger that those kids. He is seen as an outsider, as a freak, he wants to be normal, he doesn't want to be treated worse. So he accepts what they do to him. Believe me when I say that I understand what he's going through, but you as an adult should have informed me of what was happening when it was happening."

"Fix this before we take this to the school district. My son deserves better and I'll be damned if I don't give him that." Owen stands and takes my hand as we walk out the office. Xavier stands with Pablo waiting for us. "Let's go bubs." He swiftly picks up Pablo putting him on his back as Pablo laughs and wraps his little arms around Owen.

"Let's go Papa." The walk down the hall in front of Xavier and I as we smile at the two.

I lean my head on his shoulder as Xavier lays his head on mine. "So how hot was Major Papa." He asks with a knowing tone.

"Tom Hiddleston hot." He laughs as we catch up to my two boys.


Tio and I walk down to our patients room when we see Alex, standing outside the room. "Welcome back, Karev."

"Yeah jackass. Thanks for letting me know." I punch his side hard.

"Ow!" He smacks the back of my head. I go for another jab but he quickly gets me in a headlock and after a minute of trying to get out I just stop and just lay there in his arms remembering all the time we would end up like this. How we almost could have lost fifteen years of this if he did end up going to prison. My thoughts were cut off when he lays a kiss on my head and squeezes my arm as if he knew where my mind went. "My name's finally on the O.R. schedule again, and I'm not even allowed to do any of the surgery."

"Yeah, welcome to phase two." Tio says bitterly.

"Prep the patients and run labs? That's resident scut. Sucks." I smile at his complaints.

"Well, the good news is I'll be right there with you." They both look at each other. "Yeah, you're right. It sucks." I laugh and remove myself form Alex's arms.

"You'll pull through my dears." They glare as I smile and walk into Christopher's Room.

Cynthia the mother begins to talk. "So, how long will my kidney last in there?"

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