Shinny Happy People

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Season 06x22

"You took a piece me a long time ago and ever since I've been searching in all the wrong places to get that piece back. Come, my darling, it's never too late to begin our love again."

We are currently at Derek and Meredith's home for a party that he is hosting. Currently Derek is showing Mark, Owen, and I the plans for the house he's going to build for Meredith and himself. It's really nice also may I add near my home. But his is more up the hill than mine I don't do heights. "This whole wall will be windows so we can take advantage of the view."

"Nice." says Mark as he puts his arm around me.

"Have you broken ground yet?" Owen asked him.

"The day I was named chief."

"I don't know why I'm here I don't even understand these." I say as I point to the plans and they laugh at me before anyone can say anything else. Meredith comes in.

"You know, at my parties, we drink beer and dance on tables."

"Yeah I like that idea better." I nod my head

"Are you insulting my party?"

"Si." "It's getting kind of lame out there." Meredith and I say at the same time

"Duty calls." Derek says as we all walk out into the party. Mark and I start to look for Callie it's been a few day since they have broken up so she has been in a weird stalker type mood.

Mark and I see her. Staring. Again. "You're staring again." He tells her with a smirk as I quietly giggle.

"I am not."

"Mmm. Yes you are amor."

"You want to go back to my place and we could do it in the shower?" He ask as I nod my head and point at him

"Look, I'm not in the mood for your jokes right now, okay?"Callie walks off and out the door.

"And who said it was a joke?" I ask seriously

"I know right." He says as he wraps his arm around me. And we walk around the house and I guess you can call it enjoy the party together side by side. We stood talking to a couple of people when I tell Mark that I need a refill and I'll be back. As I walk over to the bar area I can hear three of the Mercy-West residence talking amongst themselves about Mark and I.

"I'm going in." The wanna be fairy says as she looks at Mark with hungry eyes

"No, you can't. It's inappropriate. This is the chief's house. And he's also dating Dr. De La Rosa." The one intern that has goo goo eyes for Derek says

"Honestly how serious can that be I heard that she doesn't do relationships he cheats all time with every woman he's ever dated to what's the difference if I go in." Well she's wrong there I do relationships I just haven't had any there's a difference.

"Just don't do it, be responsible. Right Jackson?" She looks at him hopeful.

"No. Go ahead, girl. Get yours." He says with a smirk.

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