Mi Hermanó Mio

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April 10, 2010

I was paged to a meeting room. No context. No name. It was honesty a weird vibe and as I was about to leave the room not wanting to be a basic bitch in a horror movie a single light turns on revealing a sitting Derek looking very dramatic and sinister. Like the first look of the mob boss in a gangster film.

"En la puta- Derek what the hell is wrong with you and why are you sitting in the dark like that?" I shout after I take my flat of and chuck it at his head in fright.

He tries to hold in a laugh as he tries to keep his face very serious. "Dr. De La Rosa Pascal... we have some serious business to discuss." He tells me as he stands and walks over to the table we're there is a pitcher of water and cups. I look at him completely confused and watch him pull out a chair and motion for me to sit.

"You are acting weird. What's going on?" I ask as I slowly walk over to him and sit on the chair. He walks across and sits.

"I have been informed that you are currently in a relationship with Dr. Mark Everett Sloan. Is this correct?"

I look at him with a tilt of my head. "Yes? And why are you calling us by our full name? I don't... I don't get what's happening?"

"Dr. De La Rosa this is a official meeting. We have to stay professional." He tells me with a knowing smile. It's almost smug. Too smug. I wanna slap his face so bad and just wipe away that smugness. But I don't, I just nod and wait for him to continue. "Now, as you know I am his best friend/brother, and I care about him and his feelings. So, I need to make sure that you will not hurt him in any way, shape, or form."

"Ok I'm going to stop you there, you do know I'm not marrying him right?" I look at him confused but seriously. He nods. "Ok, and of course I would never hurt him. You're kinda late with this meeting you do know that right? Like we were about to adopt a baby a few weeks ago and have already been on like cuántos almost 11 dates?" I give him an innocent but smug smile.

He quickly drops his facade and slumps down on his chair. "Yeah I know I've been busy listening to you man candy go on and on about you and my patients that this meeting go delayed." He sends a childish huff my way. I couldn't help but giggle.

I stand up and smooth down my pencil skirt. "Well this has been loads of fun but, I have to get to a meeting so..." I start walking over to the door and open it only to reveal Callie standing on the other side looking perfectly professional. "If you're done with your meeting she will start mine." I tilt my head and smile at him. I wanted to laugh so bad at the expression on his face.

"H-how did you..." I cut him off.

I have eyes and ears everywhere you really think that you could clear up a whole room and set up this dramatic meeting with out the nurses and orderlies knowing... tisk tisk Derek." I shake my head at him with a faux pout. "Pero si te voy a decir algo, the length that you took to prepare for this meeting is admirable and it does show how much you love and care for Mark, and for that I'm thankful."  I walk over and give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. I look him in the eye. "It's also really sexy." I smile at the shock on his face and with that I take my leave.

~~~I'm on my knees only memories, are left for me to hold. Don't know how but I'll get by slowly pull myself together.~~~

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