Time of Death 18:22

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After an hour and fifty minutes of CPR and twelve Doses of Epi they watch as Isabella's heart stop completely, the eerie sound of the monitor blanketing over them. Owen looks up with tears still in his eyes. "No. Try again!" He shouts at them. They make no efforts of moving knowing that they have just loss the sweet young woman that they have all come to adore and admire. He watches in disbelief no one is helping his love, his life, his reason to breathe. "Help her damnit!" He pushes everyone out of the way and moves to her side and starts to give her compressions. "Amor, hey you need to to wake up. Ok? Start pumping that beautiful heart of yours." He pumps, and pumps, and pumps. But nothing she doesn't give. She doesn't move. She's gone.

"Owen." Mer comes to his side. She looks up at him tears rolling down her cheeks. "Owen, please. Let her go. She's gone." He shakes his head as he continues. "Please."

"Owen." Richard stands across from him on the other side of his niece. He looks down at her a pain spreading across his chest looking at his little baby girl that he watched grow into the amazing surgeon that she is... that she was. "She's gone. Please, you have to let her go." He lays his hand on Owen's. "Let her go son." Owen looks up at him their eyes meet. "It's time."

"No, please. She can come back s-she. She can come back to me." Owen look up at the group with sad eyes, they all give him sad pity looks knowing she has no way of coming back. He slowly and hesitantly stops compressions, looking down at his flor as the flatline song haunts him. He moves his hand to cradle her body against him as the wave of death covers the room. "I love you amor. Please don't leave me, please."

"T...t-time of," Richard clears his throat as he holds back his tears. "Uh um, time of." He sucks in some air. April walks up to him and stops him as she squeezes his arm.

She looks at Isabella and then her watch. "T-time of death... 18:22." The team of doctors try to hold back their tears as they are forced to listen to the heart breaking cries of their Head of Trauma. Meredith holds Alex as the two cry in pain at the loss of his little flirt and her baby sister. Jackson slides down the wall as his best friend, his twin flame, his sister-wife slip through his fingers forever lost from him. Minutes pass as quite tears fall from each and every person in the room cry for the young latina. The nurses unplug everything leaving them in a dreaded silence.

After a minute someone caresses Owen's hair. "Amor?" A harsh whisper is heard. He is quick to look up and see a confused looking Isabella. "What's wrong." Without answering he shoots up and gives her a passionate kiss as everyone gasp and laugh for joy.

"You came back to me." He rest his forehead on her's. "Thank you for not leaving me."


After hours and hours and hundreds of test later, I finally got to relax in my private room. Alex, Mer, Jackson, Callie, and Maggie lay in different cots and chairs finally sleeping after a terrible and long day. Owen lays next to me his head on my chest arms wrapped around my waist as he ever so often squeezes me. He has yet to let go of me, afraid that if he moves his hand I will slip away from him, again. I stare down at him as I run my fingers through his hair. Tears rim my eyes as I see all that I could have lost, I gently kiss his head. I hear little feet running outside of my room I look to see my two baby brothers running down the hall towards my room with big bouquets of flowers, my parents, baby, and Xavier following closely behind them. I put a finger over my lips as they walk into the room. I smile as my papà comes up to me with tears running down his face.

"Mi niña." He sobs as he gently moves my hair and kisses the top of my head. "You need to be careful corazón. We can not lose you. I can not lose you do you hear me." I nod at him as I rest my hand on his cheek.

"Can you not speak chula?" My mom comes up next to him. I shake my head as I point to my chart. She walks over and reads it.

"Hi Bella!" Luis runs up and kisses my hand and giggles loudly waking up everyone in the room. I happily kiss his hand with a smile as I watch him jump on Jackson.

Angel walks up to my bed quickly moving my dad over so he can gently jump on the bed and cuddle me. I feel the tears soak through my gown. "You scared me. Don't do that again, please?" I kiss his head and rub circles on his back. I silently laugh as I see Xavier sob and Pablo staring at him confused. I motion with my free hand for him to calm down. Owen groggily chuckles as he gets up from the bed and kisses me, Pablo starts to fuss when he sees Owen and does grabby hands towards him. Owen smiles at him and goes to pick him up.

"Hey bubs." He kisses his head as Pablo pulls him in to a hug, or what a four year old could call a hug towards a redheaded giant. They walk back over to me and sit on the bed. Pablo crawls over in between Angel and I snuggling against my leg. I smile at the view this is where I belong. I am happy with my family and the man I love.


It has been three weeks after the attack, my trachea is still a mess and I still can't talk. The wound on my abdomen has healed nicely with a barely there scar Jackson made sure of that. He wanted to make sure that any place that needed stitches was done by him, he didn't want me to be reminded of that horrible day. Bailey informed me that Lou has sent a request to apologize to me, at first I didn't want to do it I was afraid, terrified actually, but Owen and my papá convinced me that it would be good for me to hear him out and get closure so I can move on. So while Owen, Pablo, and my family were at home Bailey came into my room with a wheelchair. "You ready?" She carefully studies me. I slowly nod my head and she helps me to the chair and to the cafeteria.

As we walk in I see him and his family as they stand all giving me gentle smiles as he holds a pot of purple little flowers. I begin to feel anxious as we get closer and closer. I feel Bailey rub my shoulder in comfort as we finally stand in front of them. "Hi, Dr. De La Rosa." He motions to himself. "Lou. Um... Thank you for meeting me." There's a awkward silence as we look at one another, he looks down at the flowers and slowly hands it to me. I quickly grab them from him not wanting to be any closer to him than I have to be and give him a forced smile. "This is my wife, Joanne, my daughter, Kylie. I told you about her... the youngest, really smart. And that's my Anne. Um... Um, have a seat, girls." I look at each of them as he introduces them and watch as they all take a seat. "Um, you got kids?" He give me a smile. I nod and show him two fingers. He's smile drops. "Right. Forgot you can't talk. Your throat." Um... I wanted to... I didn't know what I was doing. What I did to you... I didn't know. I would never... I would never hurt a woman. I..." he holds his wife's hand in support, as I see his eyes start to fill with tears. "I just want you... I just want you to know that I'm sorry. Truly sorry." It breaks my heart knowing how hard he is taking it. I know he is a good man I could see it from the way he talked and how happy and proud he is with his family. He and I both needed this for different reasons, but it will help us. I motioned for Bailey to move me closer to him as he looks down in sorrow I reach my hand out to him with a small smile and he gives me his. I hold his hand to show him I forgive him. I forgive him. It's not his fault. He's forgiven.


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