I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked

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Season 06x12

~ Fall in love with the process of becoming the very best version of yourself. Because old ways won't open new doors for you. Vive con intención.~

We are all watching Bailey perform a hot chemo lavage as she explains the procedure to everyone in the crowded gallery.
"I've removed the tumor and placed the catheters. Now I'm going to flood the abdomen with heated chemo. It allows a greater concentration of drսg to be delivered directly to the affected area. And the heat helps target the cancer cells while leaving the normal cells virtually unaffected. Okay, start perfusion. Okay, uh, we'll place him in trendelenburg. Then reverse trendelenburg as we agitate the abdomen To make sure that the chemo really washes everywhere.

"Okay, she saw me. Now I can go." Callie said with a voice of relief.

"She's just getting started." Cristina states looking at her with disbelief.

"Yeah, I have a headache. I need coffee." I can hear the pain in her voice. And it gives me a very good idea.

"I have a cure for a headache that doesn't involve coffee." I say seductively. We both quickly get up and walk to the nearest on-call room. As Callie and I are making out in the on call-room and I have her against the wall but something feels weird.

"Mm." We giggle.  "mm." Something really feels wrong.

"You're hot." I say mid-kiss as I try to feel her face but she thinks I'm trying to feel her up.

"Mm. You're hot, too." Callie says as she giggles at my comment.

"Amor no, you're ..."hot" hot." I say slightly panicking.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks."

"No. No, no. You have a calentura amor. You have a ... you have a ... you have a fever. What is that?" I look down at her shoulder. "What? Oh, Ay Dios" I start backing up from her.


"Pox. Pox. You have chickenpox!" I yell at her as we both stare at each other.

I brings Lexie to Callie's patient room so she can take care of her.

"Oh, little Grey? That's the world-class specialist you wanted me to see?" She is clearly not very happy I have her trapped in a glass room. But hey what can I say I ain't trying to get sick vaparu wont be able to save me here.

"Okay, little Grey has had the chickenpox vaccine. I snooped through your personnel file. I, have but I have surgeries so I can't get all your chickenpox's germ stuff." I say unapologetically.

"You H-how have you never had the ..."

"You old people get the chickenpox and my parents gave me the shot when I was a baby. So yeah." I snicker at my response.

"Oh, you know what? This is ridiculous. I'm going home w-wait did you just call me old." She says as she tries to walk out

"No, no, no. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You're not going anywhere. You're highly contagious right now. You leave this room, and you're gonna touch doorknobs and elevator buttons, and then you'll be the outbreak monkey. And yes I did call you old." I smile

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