Hello Baby Boy Sloan

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Season 06x20

~Hold him a little longer, Rock him a little more tell him another story choose him over chores let him sleep on your shoulder rejoice in his happy smile for he is only a little boy for such a little while.~

"Ok chica lay down deep breaths Mark's coming back." I lay her down on the floor with a blanket and a pillow. I cover her with a towel and check her to see how dilated she is. It's time to push. "Ok, Sloan I need you to push for me ok the baby is ready for you to push on 1...2...3" She pushes and screams and in a blink of an eye the baby is here.They all rush back to Mark's apartment, only to find that I have already delivered the baby.

Callie looks at me. "Holy mother..."

"Get my bag. Get my bag." I hear Arizona say.

"Get me a clamp.All right. Another clamp. clamp. Scissors."

"Oh, God." Sloan pants as I cut the umbilical cord and hand him to Arizona.

"How is he? Is he okay? Is he good?" Sloan asked me.

"He's great. You did great." I tell her with a re assuring smiles.

"Oh, dad."

"All right. Any sounds?" Arizona whispered to me

"Not yet."

Arizona takes him aside and gets him to cry. "Okay. Come on, baby boy. Come on. Come on, baby boy. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Okay. That's my boy. Okay. That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about."

I watch as Callie appears in the doorway just as Arizona hands the baby to his grandfather.

"Here you go, grandpa." Arizona tells him as he and Callie are delighted at the little bundle of joy in front of him.

We have arrived at the hospital 30 minutes ago and currently Mark, Derek and I are watching Sloan's baby. "You can see it, right? The ... the resemblance?" I laugh at Marks comment.

It's a newborn. It resembles other newborns."

"Okay. All right. Fine. But you want incontrovertible proof? Here we go." Mark removes the baby's diaper. "Look at that."

"Really Amor."

"Oh. Well, it's impressive. I'll give you that. Well, I mean ... I mean, a lot of that swelling is from the birth. It will go down."

"He's a Sloan." She says proudly.


"I'm surrounded by mensos" I shook my head and started to walk out. The last ting I hear is Mark saying...

"He's a Sloan."

The two of us walk over to Sloan's room to cheek up on her luckily she is resting just like the baby was we sit with her for a while. Mark finds Arizona in front of Sloan's room. Mark goes over to talk to her as I stay seated by Sloan. I watch as she opens her eyes and looks at me I smile at her. "Hey how do you feel?"

"Tired. Sore." She laughs

" I bet"

"Where's my dad?" I point to where Mark is standing. "Dad."

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