Save Me Before I Cry

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"Isabella. Flor. Please." Owen shouts from below. I sit on my bedroom balcony sunglasses on watching the sunset and drinking a glass of wine. It has been 48 hours since the whole Owen's lash out and I have been ignoring him since then. He was an ass so I'm going to be an ass. I am over it, I forgave him 5 hours ago but I wanted to be petty and make him grovel. "My love I am sorry. Look I got you all of your favorites snacks, movies, drinks, and foods." He cries out again. I couldn't help but quietly giggle. I put the chain on the doors so when he went to open them they would just not all the way. I get up from my chair and walk over to the railing so he can see me, all of me very clearly. I was wearing an all black lingerie set, the whole nine yards, mesh robe, heels, garter belt, and thigh harness. I lean over the rail to make sure he can see my chest pushed out just for him to see. He just stares at me with his mouth open as he drops the bag in his hand.

"I think you dropped something amor." I smile at him. He lets out a breathy laugh and begins to pick up the bags very quickly. "Any faster and those things may go up in flames papi chulo." And with that I walk away from the balcony, the moment that I know that I am out of sight I quickly run down to the back door and after catching my breath and acting like I didn't just run down the stairs, I open the door wide open. Owen looks up from the ground and runs in dropping all of the foods and drinks on the island and scoops me up. "I just want you to know," I begin to kiss his neck, "that I forgave you hours ago but you still need to make it up to me with lots and lots of food and sex," he looks at me when I pull away and stare at him, "and yes in that order." I smile and jump off of him and walk over to the food and began to eat the cookie n cream ice cream that was calling my name. I open the top and stick my finger in the cup, I lick it off my finger, looking straight into Owen's eyes, letting out a low moan. He walks up to me and grabs the cup and scoops up some of the ice cream and puts it into his mouth and brings me into a big kiss the mixture of him and cookies and cream sends a jolt down my spine. I quickly wrap my legs around his waist and slowly start to grind on him, he lets out a groan and swiftly picks me up and takes me to the couch. He lays me down and starts to take off his shirt. I stare at his freshly exposed body as my mouth starts to water. He lifts my leg over his shoulder and with his other hand puts a bit of ice cream and spreads it on me as he slowly licks it off me with long stripes, until he reaches my inner thigh and torturously starts to suck on it leaving me all marked up "Fuck baby don't stop." I look down at him as he get dangerously close to my clothed clit.

He hums in satisfaction when he rubs his nose over my panties making me wetter by the second. "You smell so sweet flor." He says as he starts to pull down my panties, he's eyes never leaving mine. "Now I wonder how you will taste." Tonight is going to be fun.


Derek is walking down the hall way with Owen and I giving us the rundown. "I have some loose ends in D.C., so I'll be flying back and forth for a few weeks. Tie them up, hand them off, and then I'll be here for good."

Owen looks at me then him, both of us remembering the last time he tried to work under his sister. "And you want to come back full-time?"

Derek smiles. "That's the plan."

"This is great. Uh, you realize all this has to be approved?"

Derek makes a confused face. "By whom? I'm on the board. I have privileges."

I smile and look at him. "This may be true hermano but, you have to talk to the head of Nero. That means Amelia." I give him a shit eating grin.

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