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Season09x12(The Ending)

~We say things when we are mad. We don't mean to say it, but we mean it. It out there in the world. We forgive if we can. But we can never forget.~

Today was my day off and I heard that it was a very hectic day at the hospital. A woman by the name Alana Cahill has been brought in by the hospital's Administration to help with cost-cutting measures so she can assess where we can trim budgets. She is here to help the hospital, and that is good I am all for that even if the others don't agree from what I heard. I sit down next to Derek across from Cristina who seems a little jumpy. I have to talk to her later to see whats up. A woman who is sitting at the head of the table who I can only assume to be Cahill starts the meeting.

"All right, welcome. Welcome, everyone. Thank you so much for coming. It has been a privilege to watch you work, and I am so impressed with what I've seen. Dr. Karev's pediatric African exchange program..."

Cristina jumps up from her seat. We all look at her in shock. "You cannot cut that program. I'm sorry, but these children, these... little orphans... we are the only hope they have. Many of them have rare disorders that most western doctors rarely have the opportunity to treat. And if you stop the program, I will never get that chance again." So that's why she id so jumpy. She's like a drug addict looking for their next fix. I watch in amusement as the other doctors give her a strange look. She notices as well. "They. They will never get that chance, the precious children." She starts to slowly sit down.

"I have no intention of cutting it." Cahill speaks up.


"It's a no-brainer from a P.R. standpoint. That kind of positive visility is gold. However, there will have to be some cuts. And I'm going to suggest one that is going to seem surprising at first, but that addresses fiduciary concerns with nominal impact on the core facility and the human and physical resources." We all look at her weirdly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What?" Callie is baffled.

"Uh, yeah. I'm out." Bailey concludes

"I am proposing that we close your E.R." And with that an uproar starts.


"We're a level 1 trauma center." Owen finally speaks up.

"We're a hospital." Tío states.

"In the last three days, your E.R. went from being in shambles to peak efficiency."

"Well, then why would you propose cutting it?" April asked the question we were thinking.

"This allowed me to see that in either case, it's not bringing in the money. It's bringing in the patients. Over half of whom are non-emergent, under-insured, and belong in a primary care physician's office. You have surgical interns in there doing chest exams. It's hemorrhaging resources. Look, I know these cuts are going to be painful. But understand that I am trying to keep your hospital doors open." She looks at all of us.

"This is ridiculous. You can't close the E.R. You went to med school. You have to ask yourself..." Derek starts to reason with her. But gets cut of by Bailey.

"Do you have a better idea?" She looks at him in the eyes. "Because the way I see it, this woman is trying to keep the hospital from closing, in-in which case there'd be no patients, we'd have no jobs, and some of us don't have a few million to fall back on. So unless you have a better idea, why don't you just sit there and listen to what she has to say?" The other doctors are surprised at what she said.

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