I'm With You Till the End of the Line Pt.1

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I stand in the middle of the forest eyes closed as I listen to the birds and wind. I feel the wind flowing through my hair as stand there...

~I've been watching you for some time, can't stop staring at those ocean eyes~

Here... Where is here? I open my eyes and look around. A forest I've been her before. I begin to walk around when I stumble, I look down and my jaw drops. I am wearing a dress, one that I do not own mind you. It's beautiful blue and covered in diamonds. After I finish admiring it I begin to walk around the forest is covered in clouds it looks... heavenly.

~You really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes~

Lou. The accident. The attack. I remember the pain I was in the pain on everyone's faces, Owen. My sweet Owen it broke me to see him like that. Tears start to stream down my face as I continue to walk in this unknown area. I walk and walk until I see this big castle like home. A man-made pond in front surrounded by flowers and plants I walk pass it and up the stairs to the glass doors that is open letting all the wind into a beautiful ballroom. I slowly and carefully walk in two men standing in the middle of the ballroom their back facing me. I look around the flowers hanging the candles on display. I start walking closer to the men. "Excuse me can you tell me where am I?" I call out to them but no answer. I walk closer, and closer, until I come close enough to tap one of them on the shoulder. "Excuse me?"

~I've never fallen from quite this high, falling into your ocean eyes, those ocean eyes~

"Hi Amor." He stares at me. Those ocean eyes. I stumble back my breath gone from me as I stare at the first man that I have ever loved. My eyes tear up as I stare at his face the smile that melts my core. His sent that reminds me of home.

"Hi Baby Bell." I look to my left. Those ocean eyes. I cover my mouth as I look at the man who I see as an older brother. The man that picked me up when I loss my husband.

"No. No.no.no.no.no" I turn my back to them as I try not to break down. "This is a dream, a cruel, cruel dream."


"No do not call me that you are not him. You are not Mark. Your not MY Mark. You can not call me that. You are not mine."

"Bell, look at me." I shake my head until I feel him grip my chin gently. "It's me. It's us."

~No fair, you really know how to make me cry, when you give me those ocean eyes~

I look at both of them. "Really?" They nod. I break down and pull both of them into a hug. "I have missed you so much." I release them from the hug, and lift my hands to cup their faces. "Your here." I scrunch my nose and take a step back. "Where is here?"

"Well, you are in the Meadow Valley." Derek looks at me with a sad smile.

"What's that?"

Mark walks closer. "It's the place where you go when you have to make a choice. Life or Death." He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead. "You have a choice to make amor. And we are here to take you wherever you decide to go. We are here for you Isabella."

"You are my guides?"

"Yes." They both say.

~I'm scared, I've never fallen from quite this high falling into your ocean eyes. Those ocean eyes~

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