Hermoso Cariño

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"Where are we with Avery?"

We are all in the conference room talking about the residents and where they are going for their fellowships. It's a long process looking for how we have to replace and who we don't.

"Holding offers from U.S.C. , Penn, Tulane, and Emory. Tulane and Emory are in love. They want him bad." Mark says with a proud smirk.

"You are excited that everyone wants your boy." I whisper to him.

"Of course I taught him. Why wouldn't they want him." He kisses my cheek.

"Grey?" Owen continues.

"Uh, still between Boston and Seattle."

"If I'm gonna lose one of my talented residents and my top neurosurgeon, I'd love a decision sooner than later." He says with a tired voice.

"You and me both, Hunt."

"Yang?" Owen looks at me. Turns out that they have been broken up for a while now about 3 months and he didn't tell me. I only found out we called on Avery to check on him after the boards. He over heard Grey and Yang talking in the bus but didn't know any of the details, but Owen doesn't know that I know.

"Well, Stanford and Columbia are playing hardball, but I'm confident that we're still in the mix." I give him a small smile. He nods.

"Lee, Steinman, and Renaldo?" He asks Dr. Kenneth.

"Offer from Rice. Leaning toward Wash U. Baylor and San Diego are both after him."

Arizona has a big smile on her face. "Well, Karev is staying."

"If we are out this many surgeons, I'm gonna need to hire now, so let's get answers from our people as soon as possible. Thank you. And let's not forget that we've agreed to assist Boise memorial with their conjoined twin surgery, so make sure your teams are ready to leave from the lobby no later than 10:00 tomorrow night." We all nod our heads and walk out of the room.

"Ok Amor since you will be leaving tonight and for I don't know how long, I have cleared my schedule, Pablo is in daycare so we will be spending the day together." I look up to him with a smile.

"Amor that sounds like the best idea you've had today." He leans down and kisses me on the lips. We drive back home taking the scenic route holding hands my eyes never leaving his face. The way the light shines down on him and highlights every perfect part of his face, making him look ethereal. I could look at him all day.

"What are you looking at Bella?" He ask with out taking his eyes off the road.

"You." I say without hesitation and with that a beautiful smile graces his face.


We finally make it home and the first thing that we do is head to the room. I run up to the bed and jump plopping myself on it with a giggle. Mark just shakes his head with a smile and takes off his sweater. I bite my bottom lip as I see the shirt under pull up slightly. I kick off my heels and pull off my skirt just leaving on his shirt that I used for the day. He crawls over to me and pulls me into his arms. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture I wished we could just stay like this forever in each other's arms. We fall asleep for a couple of hours enjoying each other's warmth, until the sun starts to set and it's rays shine through the window. I slowly open my eyes just in time to see his beautiful ocean blues looking into my chocolate ones.

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