Did we just..

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A lot has happened in the last week the ER has been closed, and we broke protocol by accepting a patient, a child, and almost losing the deal with Pegasus. Cahill was not very happy with that but honestly who cares a child could have died and we prevented that from happening we did our jobs. A few days later Callie and Tío did a secret investigation to the company thats due to buy us out. Pegasus. Turns out that they are a horrible company to work under the doctors that do have just bad things to say and now Callie wants us to fight to keep the deal off and we did that. After finding out that the worst has come to worst and that a lot of our people want to leave SGMWH our group decided to do the crazies loquera that I could possibly think of and buy the hospital. Like, seriously a quién chingados thinks that we a couple of doctors can run a hospital, apparently us. So, in order to do that we have to stall the deal with Pegasus. I remembered one night that Owen told me how important the group and I are to Pegasus's deal so if we are gone, so are they. So, we quit and I couldn't tell Owen or anyone, and that is the hardest thing, since Owen and Jackson have been calling me nonstop but now we have a plan. So lets see where that goes.

Stan, Arizona, Meredith, Cristina, Derek, Callie, and I are at Crest Capital, preparing their speech for Julian Crest. Arizona looks at me and then the group. "Okay, so this time, we'll do the peds and trauma stuff first."

Derek speaks up. "And then I will go into the neuro."

"Okay, can somebody else do the closing? I-I was awful last time we practiced." Callie looks at us stressed out.

"No, you were fine." Arizona tries to reassure her.

"We really want to end on my flop sweats?" She looks at her like she is crazy.

"Derek, you do the closing." I quickly speak up before the conversation takes a turn and Derek nods.

The Assistant walks up to us. "I'm sorry. It should be just a few more minutes. Can I get you any water or coffee?" She looks at each of us kindly.

We all declined her offer except for Cristina. "Coffee. And a bagel or something." Everyone looks at her and I couldn't hold back a giggle. "I'm starving. This meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago." She says as she leans on me.

"Okay, he's a billionaire. One of his minutes is worth 40 of ours." I give Callie a look just. Because that may be true does not give este bobo a right to be late for our scheduled meeting.

"I can't believe we got this meeting in the first place." Arizona points out.

"Yeah, nice job, Stan." Derek pats him on the back

"I really believe Julian Crest is our guy. He made all his money in late-stage internet mobile. Medical tech is the one area he doesn't have a foothold. Your focus on applied research, it's right up his alley."

Cristina looks at her watch. "Yeah, well, someone should buy him a watch." I nod at her statement as we both turn to see Meredith making a call. "Who are you calling?"

"Heather Brooks." We both look at her confused. "Mousy."

I sit up "Wait. What are you doing? Que pasó to not talking to anyone?"

"I left patients behind. She's keeping an eye on them. I haven't said anything to her. I'm giving her advice." I pout and slump back in my seat.

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