That's Me Trying

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Season 07x07

~ It's ironic how our hearts can still get hurt by something we've seen coming you can not rush something you want to last forever.~

It has been a total of three months since the shooting at the hospital and my family coming over to visit thanks to Mark and Callie. My parents fell in love with everyone especially Mark which I'm happy about I also have a secret, a secret no one knows only me and Mark not even Callie knows and that says something because I always tell her everything. The secret is... I'm pregnant going on almost two months I'm not even showing yet. Last week a camera crew came in and did a whole interview show thing to show the progress of the hospital and interview me for saving Derek's life basically trying to get the whole story about us for the incident that took place on the horrible day they're try to show how we are improving and the big updates in our lives. During that time we found out that Arizona got the Carter Maddison Grant and will be moving to Africa and Callie is going with her. It was shocking a big move for her, but for me the most I'm losing my best friend but whatever makes her happy I will support it. But now I'm going to have to tell her sooner than later about my pregnancy.

Mark and I are currently in Callie's apartment helping her pack up. Wait no correction I am currently helping Callie pack up while Mark is currently playing The Price is Right with Arizona as she tries to get him to take a kitchen utensil. "Okay. How about it, Mark? You know you've always wanted one of ..." She shows him a chop choppy thingy Callie looks back and forth between them with a squint.

"Nah. I'm good." Callie nods at the decision and goes back to packing. "I will take that waffle iron." I laugh at how fast she turned to look at him with a questioning look.

"What? I have never even seen you eat a waffle." She tells him as he slowly sips on his coffee

"Well, I would if I had a waffle iron."

"Okay, Callie, We're not gonna take a waffle iron to Malawi, and it's not gonna do anybody any good sitting in storage for three years." Callie looks at Arizona then at me and rolls her eyes I snicker at her and walk next to Mark.

"Congratulations. You won yourself a waffle iron. Oh! And a french press." Callie stops them in between transaction

"Hey." I pull Mark a little back from her heated glare. "Stop giving ... My things away." And disappears into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. "

"Maybe I should pass on the French press." All of us agree. Arizona walks back to the cabinets and I turn to Mark.

"I wanted to tell her now but she is so upset and she's leaving and it's not like its only for a few months it's for three years what am I going to do call her when I'm pushing the baby from out of me as it rips my body in half then your not going to want me any more and and..." I whisper to him going on a little rant he cuts me off by hugging me to calm me down.

"Hey hey hey, Amor your ranting and you need to stop because everything is going to go perfect. You will tell her later at he party and she will be happy and she will come to visit and I will always love you. And I will love you even more because there will be more of you to love and you are giving me a beautiful baby." He tells me as he kisses my head in reassurance.

I'm in the hospital very excited for the Trama Certification Lab Owen and Hunt but I need to move some things around "Dr. Hunt, I'm going to need to borrow Dr. Yang."

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