Sugar Daddies and Mommies

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"Hey everyone como están it's me Isa. Sorry Bean but I will be breaking the 4th wall to give a little update to readers about the story because a lot of things have happen from the last chapter porqué you decided to be lazy and take a big ass jump." She says shaking her head at me. I try to talk but it comes out muffled due to the fact that she covered my mouth with a bandanna "Well ok technically you have been very busy and did just come out of the hospital but I'm just gonna stick with what I was saying. In the last few weeks tío has been getting better but also being stubborn during his recovery, after he was electrocuted during the big storm. Meredith also had her baby that same night and also almost died. Jackson decided to play pinche Superman and saved a little girl from a burning bus that crashed in front of the hospital. And let's not even talk about the hospital it is all types of destroyed and falling apart. Now we, and I mean Jackson and I, have to host a fundraiser to raise money for the hospital. Yay! I say in a dead voice. And just like me all the others in the board and other doctors are not very thrilled to be there. Lots of other things have happened as well but I leave that for you guys to find out on your own. I now hand the story back to you Bean." She winks as she starts to untie me. I quickly get up and rip the bandanna off my mouth.

"Thank you for tying me up I thought it was about to get freaky pero nooo I was unfortunately highly mistaken. If you wanted to break the wall you could have, I don't know asked like a fucken normal ass person and I would have said yes... puta. " I roll my eyes as I rub my wrist.

"We can always do that another time." She tells me seductively as she walks towards me.

I start to shake my head and start running away. "NEVER!!!" I can hear her laughing as I run but, my short ass falls face first. "Oww, just start the chapter."


I finished putting on the last of my makeup I decided to go for a femme fatale look and I look sexy as hell perra vibes all the way. I walk over to the bed where said dress is laying on and I just admire it. I slowly take off my emerald silk robe off as it pools at my very high heels revealing a lace lingerie set. I start to reach for my dress when I hear someone suck in a strangely breath. I look over my shoulder to see Owen in his suit, bow tie hanging around his neck untied and a few buttons lose. "Like what you see red." He doesn't respond just keeps staring at me. I couldn't help but giggle at him I start to walk up to him and even in my heels my eyes only reach up to his lips leaving my lips to only reach his neck. Perfect. I start to wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers up his hair and lightly pulling on the roots of his hair the same time that I start to suck on his neck. He let's out a low moan that takes him out of the trans that he was in and I slowly start to feel his hands start to grip my hips. I move my lips up to capture his and pull him into a hard and heated kiss. I feel him lower his hands to the back of my thighs and he lifts me up effortlessly. I wrap my legs around his waist, he starts to lower his lips down my neck as he licks and lightly suck on my neck down to the valley of my breast. I let out a moan as I push his face deeper into my breast as he squeezes my ass with both of his big rough hands. "Baby." I breathe out. He hums in response. "As much as I am Loving this we are going to be late." I lick my lips and watch as he lifts his head up almost pouting. I couldn't help but giggle as I cup his face.

"Fine." He drawls out and gently puts me down I walk over to my dress and put it on I turn back to him only to see him leaning on the wall watching me with a dopey smile.

"What?" I ask when I walk closer to him turning so he can zip me up. I feel as he slowly drags a finger up my exposed skin just before he zips it up.

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