Salud y Holidaze

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~There are people that never leave us y momentos que nunca se olvidan. I don't remember who said that but it's true for us who believe in the after life Día de los Muertos. In the Mexican culture, we believe that the veil that borders between the Land of the living and dead is open so that our ancestors can come and visit us, and see the altar with offerings for them so that they can come and celebrate with us before the journey home when the sun rises. Our family values never end even when they pass away. Like the movie Coco says, "Recuérdame y vivir para siempre." ~

Día de los Muertos

I walk the halls of the hospital with my crown of marigolds my dark thick hair flowing and my dark red lips smiling at all who passed me as I finish up the day with a patient discharge that I personally wanted to handle for one specific reason. Today is Día de los Muretos my favorite holiday and I just so happen to have had a case with a family that shares the same values as I do. I walk into the room and see them by their ofrenda. It is beautiful covered in pictures of their loved ones marigolds all around foods and toys and one of the men playing his guitar in the background as a women sings the song "La Llorona" my favorite. I stand buy the door watching them have fun laughing, smiling, being a family. Her beautiful honey voice comes to a stop when they see that I have arrived.

"Hola familia Guerra cómo están?" I say to them with a smile on my face.

"Doctor Bella" says my patient Pablo seven year old boy says to me very happily. "Look I can breathe better now!" He starts to to show me his breathing.

I laugh "Ok, ok let me take a closer look with my hearing thingy." I show him my stethoscope and take a listen. Perfect. Beautiful breathing no obstructions. "Perfecto." I smile. "Well Pablito that is why I came in her tonight to let you and your family know this will be your last night here. You can go home."

They all cheer and give each other hugs and some even gave me some hugs. As they start to dance and sing again. This is a beautiful day, a beautiful holiday, and a beautiful culture.


Cristina, Dr. Avery and I are in the O.R. Looking down at the patient's chest and we are shocked at the current situation that we are witnessing.

"Oh, my God." Both Cristina and Avery say. "Wow. That is the biggest pseudoaneurysm I've ever seen."

"It's at the suture line of the transplant. The new heart is dying. Damn it. Pobrecito to the guy that brought her in. I think they were on their third date." I say looking down at the heart with the shake of the head.

"It doesn't even look like a heart anymore." Cristina states still stunned

"That's because it's not. It's a chunk of useless flesh that has to come out right now." I say as I start to remove the heart from the chest cavity

"You're taking the heart out? What are you gonna replace it with?" She is stunned at the action that I am taking. What can I say I live for the dramatic. I didn't watch Novelas for nothing.

"I don't know. We're gonna have to figure it out as we go." I say looking at her with a smirk under my mask that no one can see.

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