Mmmh hombres.

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It has been six months since Callies accident, five since Arizona and Callie have been happily married as well as Mer and Derek deciding that they were going to adopt a baby named Zola that came from a African program that Alex set up for getting ahead for chief residency. I have also officially adopted Sofia, Arizona was supposed to come with us to do it together but they decided to go to their honeymoon sooner. A couple of weeks later a situation Occurs where Meredith tampers with Derek's trial and blacklists it, as well as jeopardizing the fact that they can adopt Zola she also gets fired and they possibly lose their chance to adopt Zola. A month later it is announced in a meeting that Dr. Webber is stepping down from being chief and Owen will be stepping up as chief. We where shocked but very excited, well not everyone Bailey was particularly very upset with the fact that she did not become chief, and as much as I love and respect her just because the chief likes her and she always worked under the chief does not mean that she automatically deserves it or she gets the position she barely started as a attending Owen has been in it for a while so she has no choice but to accept what has been dished out she'll get it... eventually.

Season 08x04

Mark and I are currently standing on the bridge and watching Owen pacing in his office. Mark is set on the fact that he may fail but I told him that Owen has literally been to war so he can handle it. He still denies it I laugh hug his waist and mischievously squeeze his ass he's about to say something dirty, I clear my throat as I see Dr. Webber walk up to us. "Sloan. Belle. Um ... Uh, look, I'm, uh, I'm ... I'm putting the word out. My case load's been kind of light these days, so if you guys hear of any red meat on the floor ..."

Mark cuts him off. "Look at him, acting like he runs the place."

Dr. Webber looks at who he's talking about. "Uh... he does." I nod in agreement.

"He's hanging on by his teeth. It's undignified."

I giggle as Derek joins us. "What are you guys looking at?

"Mark thinks Red is not cut out for the job." "Hunt's not cut out for the job." Mark and I say at the same time

"What, did something happen?" He looks at me and I shake my head.

"Nothing happened."

"You can see it in his demeanor. He's got fear in his eyes."

Derek laughs at Marks Commentary. "He's a decorated military officer. What do you think got to him, call schedule, lunch order?"

"I'm just sayin', when he belly flops, I'm here for the hospital."

"You're a good man." Tío tells him without taking his eyes off Owen.

Owen comes over and the men start to straighten themselves out as Owen starts to walk towards us. "Gentlemen, Frijole." I playfully roll my eyes at him. "Anything I can do for you?"

"Just watching the magic." Mark tells him with a smile.

"Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. I'm gonna need your O.R. We just a call about a big accident at the convention center. So I'm gonna have to bump your, uh, brow lift." Owen telIs him almost sarcastically I laugh so loud that the people walking around us stop to stare but I don't care. I continue until tears come out. Then I look at Mark and he gives me a 'really' look. I just shrug and burry my face in his chest.

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