We are strong. We Survive.

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"Ok so what else did we need from the mall?" I pass by the stores and look at the colorful clothes, delicious smelling candles and ooh the new Red Bottoms. No. Stop, you don't need more shoes Bella, continue walking.

"Need, nothing but I wouldn't be mad if you got me a Cinnabon with extra icing. Ahh and a pretzel. It's Friday so cheat day!" Xavier cheers.

"Wasn't yesterday your cheat day? Because I clearly remember the both of us eating the whole pot of my Mexican Alfredo with lots and lots Coronas." I say as I walk into the Cinnabon shop and get in line.

"That never happened!" He says in a joking tone. We both laugh. "I am an angel and would never break my diet."

"Huh ok whatever you say! I think I'm going to get one too. How is my papita?"

"He is fine, he did just made the biggest burp that I have ever heard." I can hear the scrunching of his face.

"Ew, was it like the day Mark chugged three Mexican Cokes after he ate the chilaquiles?"

"My god it was worst especially since it came out of a little person." My phone starts to beep.

"Aww crap my phone is about to die! Puta, ok I'll call you when I get to the car an-" My phone cuts off before I could finished. "Damn it." I put away my phone and head to the counter to place my order. When I finally get the fresh out of the oven pastries after sweet talking the cashier to give me those instead of the ones that have been sitting out of a while I start to head out of the mall when suddenly a loud bang sounds though the air until it all goes black...

~Owens POV~

I walk out of the Elevator when Dr. Pierce walks up to me. "I e-mailed Dr. Yang twice about the conduit babies, and her only response was, "not your problem." She's a fellow. And the way that she talks to me sometimes..." I internally smile knowing exactly how Cristina Yang is.

I turn to look at her. "Look, Dr. Pierce, I..." she cuts me off.

"Maggie." "Margaret." She shakes her head. "Maggie" is fine."

"Dr. Yang will be coming in later today for a final checkup with her conduit baby before she..." she cuts me off again.

"And then she's leaving? For good?" She asks me desperately.

"Yes, yes, she will be gone by the end of the day. Is that it?"

"Yes. I have a patient in pre-op." She starts to look around clearly confused.

"It's that way." I point behind us with a small smile.

"I'm getting it." She states as she starts to walk back down the hall to pre-op.

"Mm-hmm." I start to walk to the ER. It's been a month since I have held my Flor in my arms. She has been nothing but supportive as I settle my feeling for Cristina. She knows that I love her with my everlasting breath more than I have with any woman ever but Cristina was my new life my feelings will always be there, but when it comes down to Isabella or any other woman she will always win.

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