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For the next episode I know that Owen cheats on Cristina. But for the sake of the story that doesn't happen because I don't want him to and in the story he is too in love with Isa. Also if I didn't make it clear Cristina and Owen are not married but still together. They are just having hard times. So for me and others who don't appreciate the cheating I am changing that. I would also like to thank you guys for reading the story and coming along as far I know not that many people read it but it gives me an escape from a very stressful life, job, and all that fun stuff so for those who do read it and for those who send me messages thank you for all the support and I hope you guys enjoy. I will also like to say sorry for not posting I have been very busy at work and I am also suffering through writers block. I do have a short story out right now if you want to check that out!

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