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~ "I would tell you that you're strong but you already knew that I would tell you that you'll get through this but you already know that too so I'll tell you only this I am here for you and I will cheer for you every step of the way" -J. Lynn~

It is exactly 11 hours after the events of the hospital and 6 hours after my phone call with my Papá. It was a good call I felt a lot better 3 hours on the phone can do that for you. Mark never left my side Callie stayed as long as she could but she said that she had to get something's. Mark and I stayed in bed for another hour after she left. I am straddling Mark leaving love bites all over his neck as he tightly grabs my hip and pushes me down to hips. This elicits a moan from him as I start to roll my hips slowly on him. I giggle and start to move down running my fingers down his chest. I pull down his pants treacherously slow making sure that there's a little suffering for him to endure he moans.

"Please Bella don't be a tease." He whines out to me.

I look up at him through my lashes and kiss his newly exposed skin. This feels like déjà vu all we need is for a page to interrupt us. "Ding dong." Shit I jinxed it.

"Just ignore them they will go away." He tells me. Again and again and again. We both groan and get up put some clothes on. I walk to the door and open it.

"Papi, ma wha-what are you doing here?" I say loudly so that Mark knows that they are here and that he should cover up.

"We thought it would be good to come and visit you mija fuiste por una inventó horrible y necesitas tu familia." My dad tells me as he and my mom gives me a big hug and kiss. They let me go and smile at me. Then I hear it the running the laughs and giggles the two half's of my heart running towards me and tackling me down. I laugh and kiss their heads.

"How are you guys I miss you so much you both look so big." I tell them as we all stand up. Luis just giggles and runs to the backyard. Angel looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"It hasn't been a year yet chill out." He says trying to act cool which was weird because he never acts cool when it's just us unless there's a "hot chick" near by. And queuing the hot chick Callie walks in.

"Ahh I see. Well it's really good to see every one thank you for coming." I smile and I look at Callie "I know this is all your doing. So don't think your off the hook mi Amor." I wink at her and she laughs. Then incomes my hot chick, Mark comes into the living room.

"Welcome familia De La Rosas. Glad to see you all made it." Mark says to them as he and my papá shake hands. My mom looks at me and nods her head in approval in my choice of man. I giggle as we let the men talk and head to the kitchen.

"Mami I am really happy that you guys are here I miss you so much and after everything that has happened in the last 24 hours I really needed this how did you guys get here so fast anyway." She smiles and looks towards where Mark and my dad are standing I smile. "I see well how have you and the guys been."

"No,no,no. We are not changing the subject to us Cuándo tienes a un Muchacho tan guapo over there talking to your papá and organized a way for you to reconnect with us so spill it." She says as she wiggle her eyebrows with a smirk. I laugh at her. I missed this so much.

"Well his name is Mark Sloan as you already know he is the most amazing man he has done everything for me as I have done the same for him we love each other we've been together for a few months already I didn't want to tell you anything until I knew it was good and worth telling you guys. But to be honest I knew from the moment we went to our first date but I was so busy and then I was just caught up in thing so I'm sorry." She grabs my face and looks at me.

"Mija you never have to be sorry for having a life this is good he is good for you. And what about the chica she is gorgeous también." The both of us look at Callie who in fact was walking to us. We smile at each other and she gives me a hug.

"Yes, this hermosa has been my best friend since I first came here. And I love her we have been through thick and thin she is my ride or die" I smile at her.

"Stop it or your going to make me cry."

We all have a conversation talking about the event that unfolded in the hospital as well as catching up on our social lives I embarrass Angel a little more about his little crush on Callie which like we can not relate to him she is a very sexy woman my dad did his mini grill on Mark to make sure that Mark would treat me well like all fathers do. My mom made the biggest dinner to feed an army we talked we had fun we dreamt we laughed it was the perfect day. My family stayed for a few more days got to meet Derek and Meredith Christina and Owen my dad had a full-blown conversation with Owen about the army and their experience after the wars they really bonded over that and they helped each other. My dad even had a chance to reconnect with Dr. Webber. I have a huge support system I think I'm going to be OK, no I know I'm going to be OK we all went through something horrific I went through something horrific and I'm not saying that from one or a few days it would all go away the horrors were always stay in our heads we just have to find a way to move on from it.

~ This is a hug from me to you to let you know I am thinking of you and although I have nothing to say you know I have thought of you today. Somehow I just can't say enough to tell you how much I appreciate you being in this world. But just know that I am, and you are worth every thought in my mind.~

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