Sex, Pain, and Betrayal Just like a Novela

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"It has to be today. I need it to be today. We have been teasing each other for months now. And if I don't do it now that we are alone at home it will be at work where I will jump him in front of the hospital."

"Aren't you like still broken."

"Yes but a little pain will mix very well with it."

"Kinky... I love it! Well I wish you luck. Don't worry about Pablo and Sofia, they are currently cuddled up watching Avengers together."

I couldn't help but smile at the image of my two babies watching my favorite movie together. "Ok thank you again for the emergency pick up." I hear the shower turn off. "Ahh, ya se salió del baño. I will call you back later, adiós."

"Bye, sweet cheeks!" And with that Xavier hangs up. I am currently laying in bed wearing a emerald babydoll with Owens dog tags on and no panties. Today is the day we finally have sex we have been dancing around the idea for months but never got the chance to actually do it, and I mean a girl can only hold on for so long, I have needs for crying out loud. I prop myself up on the pillows and patiently wait for Owen to come out of the bathroom.

"Honey have you seen my..." I smile at him as I watch his eyes widen as they rake over my body.

"Your... what chulo?" I innocently ask as I run hands over my legs.

"Uhh my um... I-I I don't even remember."  I open my legs to expose my naked half to him. He quickly walks over to the side of the bed he leans over me and kisses me with so much fire that leaves me pressing my thighs together. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes the both of us panting. "Are you sure?" His eyes carry so much worry and concern that it makes my heart swell. Without looking away I grab his hand and bring it in between my legs so he can feel just how much I want it. Him. I hear him moan as he starts to rub his fingers making my eyes flutter shut at the sensation. I snake my arms around his neck and pull him down for a kiss. I swipe my tongue on his lip asking for entry, he opens those pretty lips and submits to the kiss. I pull away only to start kissing down his neck leaving marks for all to know that he is mine. I reach down to the edge of the towel on his waist and pull it off him needing him inside me already.

"Make me yours please corazón." I tell him as I push him down on the bed and I sit on top of him.

"Always flor." He line's himself to me as I slowly sink down on him. We both fill the room with moans. He lets me adjust as I bring his hands to my breast. He quickly squeeze them and starts to pull on my nipples releasing a wave of pleasure to run down my body, in an instinct my hand moves around his throat. We look into each others eyes as we move in sync having hot, dirty, passionate sex all night.


The next day Owen stands in front of the doctors telling the crowd about an accident that happened, as I comunícate with dispatch and all the OR teams. "We don't have numbers yet, but be prepared for as many as 20 casualties, many of them kids."

"What happened?" Meredith asks

"A woman drove off a bridge with her two kids in the car. Witnesses are saying that the woman started speeding, she rammed a bunch of vehicles, and then took a sharp right off the bridge I-into the water. Police believe this was intentional."

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