I'm With You Till the End of the Line Pt.2

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"The one thing I hated most in my life is to see you cry amor." The rough but silky voice comes from behind me as I stop my sobs and straighten my back. I suck in air when I feel his hand graze my hair. "I remember when you would tear up and look up to the sky because your makeup cost too much for it to be ruined." I smile at the memory and the sound of his laughter.

I turn to face him as gentle tears still flow down my cheeks. "I miss your laugh." I sniff.

"And I miss yours so how about we get that juicy ass up and get to dancing." I laugh at his antics. "There it is. God. I missed it." He stretched his hand out to me and I quickly reach out to him. He pulls me close as his hand gently caresses my back. "Now all we need is..."

~I love you still and you know I always will 'Til the end of time I won't change my mind.~

"Oh I love this song!" I smile at him.

"I know, it reminds me of you." He spins me out and pulls me back in. "I think about you all the time Bella." He cups my cheek as he looks into my eyes. "I miss you."

~There ain't no answer to this complex question, I just keep falling for you everyday.~

"I miss you too amor. Everyday I miss you." I press my cheek deeper into his palm as his warmth brings me into a calming feeling of home. "I think about the times that we would dance at home together or with Pablo in your arms."

"I miss that to how is my son?" He smiles down at me.

"Perfecto. Just as handsome as you but just as smart as me. Did you know he made plans with Sofia on how to kidnap their abuelitos. It's funny because everything about that boy is you, so in a way I always have you. Even when I don't have you." A tear drops down my face. "I will always have a piece of you all the time.

"I'm glad you do Bella, now for the thing that you have been avoiding..." He looks at me with a knowing look. "Owen."

"I don't want to talk about that." I look down. "Can't we just enjoy this? Us. Please because," I sniff. "You and I both know that this won't last forever. Please?" I hug his waist as we sway side to side.

"Amor," I squeeze him harder. "Isabella. Look at me." He lifts my chin to face him. "I'm not mad, I'm not upset, I'm not hurt. I am happy." I look up at him shocked.


~I could talk all day but let me spell it out A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H I love you still, and you know I always will, 'Till the end of time I won't change my mind.~

"Baby, you moved on, you are living, happy. Pablo is happy. Owen makes you happy. And I love that. Do I wish I could be the one to make you happy of course. But he is the perfect man for the job now that I can't be."

~Love you, I'll be here I will never disappear. Said forever, I swear so I will be there.~

"I... he has been my rock." I tilt my head to the side as I look at him with a sad smile. "When you... left me. I was broken, you know? I didn't want to go on without you. I was selfish." I give a short laugh. "I didn't care about me, Pablo, anyone. I wanted to be with you." I let go of him and step back. "You left me!" I shouted and the music stopped. The lights flickered off leaving only the candles lighting the room. "You promised me that this would be forever!" I walked away from him my tears building up in my eyes. "I was willing to die because of you. You consumed me, you were my everything the beating of my heart. The pumping of my lungs. The flow of my blood, Mark you were..." I walk back up to him and angrily stare at him. "I hate you." I poke his chest. "You ruined me. Did you know that? You..you, y-you destroyed me. I hate you. Mark Everett Sloan." I look up as my tears roll down my face. I take a shaky breath. "But I love you. I will always love you. Because you gave me everything that I have now. You gave me my first love, you gave me Pablo. You gave me a family. Our family even if it was only for a short time and I will be forever thankful."

"You only go on a rant when you are avoiding, my love. I haven't forgotten. Owen is good for you the same way that you are good for him. He is raising Pablo as his own. He understands you, accepts the fact that I will always be in your heart no matter what, he accepts you even as you live the vida Loki. Which by the way I am very jealous for the sole fact that you got to meet him and on occasion you text him." I giggle at that. "There it is. My beautiful Bella. My wife." With every word he steps closer to me. "I am happy for you. I pushed for this, you two where made for each other. Our time was short yes, but I was only your beginning, he is your ending." He pulls me into a hug.

"I will always love you Mark." I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him down to me and lay a gentle kiss on his lips.

"I know my love." He smiles at me as we pull away and the sweet sound of musical honey fill the room as our song starts to play. I look up at him with a sad smile knowing this will be the last moments I have with him. "One last dance Amor?"

"One last dance."

~Hermoso cariño. Hermoso cariño. Que Dios me ha mandado, ha ser destinado, nomás para mí~

I lay my head on his chest as we sway to the song. I hear his beating heart as it fills my head. I never thought that I would be able to hear it again for a reason other than just surviving. I smile as I hear him singing along perfectly in Spanish with the song.

~Precioso regalo, precioso regalo. De cielo ha llegado y que me ha calmado de dicha y amor.~

This is a moment I never want to forget. He is here with me not forever but now. My eyes fill with tears that have yet to fall as I hold on to him tightly knowing the moment that this song is over so will this wonderful dream.

~No puedo evitarlo, y quiero gritarlo, hermoso cariño que Dios ha mandado no más para mí.~

"Im not ready."

"You are. I know you are, because you are Isabella De La Rosa Sloan-Pascal. Tú eres fuerte como un flor en la deserto." I look up at him tears finally falling. "I love you amor."

"I love you too. Mi hermoso cariño." He pulls me into a passionate last kiss as the room goes dark and the music plays to the end. The end of the dream. The end of the line.

~No puedo evitarlo, y quiero gritarlo, hermoso cariño que Dios ha mandado no más para mí.~

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