What happens at Emerald City Stays in Emerald City

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Season 07x09

~Loqueras, We do them when we're broken and when we're sad just to prove to the world that we're ok. But we're not. We try to hide it the best we can, but no matter how good we are at hiding it there's always the one person that can tell the difference.~

All of us Attending's are by the nurses station waiting for the residents arrival, because we are ready to leave together to go to the bar. We see them arrive we notice the residents look tired for their shift. Kepner yawns as she walks towards us. Callie looks at them and then at us. "Did you just yawn? Was that a yawn?"

"Don't tell us that you're tired after getting to sleep all day." I look at them as I hug Mark from behind.

"It's not as easy as it sounds." April tells as shyly

"Not easy? Not e ... when I was a resident, I actually worked for a living." Bailey tells them.

"I did every other night call for five years. There were days that I didn't go home for 72 hours. I loved it." The new Peds Guy Stark tells him. He's an ass to the residents but I find him funny he has a mean streak going on.

Alex mocks him. "As you trudged through the snow while you whittled your own scalpels." I snicker at the comment.

"Sorry. I didn't quite catch that, Karev." Stark tells him

Bailey cuts them off before something can happen. "Uh, Karev, I need you to follow up on my post-ops. And here, take this research. Divide out all the fistula cases."

"Avery and little Grey, Hunt is waiting for you in the pit." I tell them.

"All right. Try not to screw up our patients. Good night and good luck." Callie tells them

Mark grabs my waist. "Gonna be over at the bar. Try not to need us." And all of us walk away.

We arrive at the bar. Minus Stark. When we see that Derek as also arrived and we all cheer for him. "Hey, there you are. There's the man of the hour. Congratulations."  Mark shakes his hands and I give him a hug.

"Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you."

Bailey walks passed us. "First round is on me."

"Um, guys." I point passed them and they turn to see Cristina is standing behind the bar, failing to pour a good beer from the tap.

Poor Joe is struggling to teach her. "There. Yeah. No, try again. You need to tilt the glass like I said. Tilt."

"I'm tilting it. Okay, I know. I know."

"I'm telling you to tilt the glass."

"Just let me try again, okay?"

"All right." Joe backs away from her. I laugh.

Derek goes over to her first. As we stay behind and observe this train wreck if I put it nicely. "Why are you behind the bar?"

"Uh, Owen told me to get a job, so I'm working." She throws out some coasters. "What's everyone drinking?"

When we head over to our table Owen joins us. "She sat on the sofa for three days straight watching infomercials and eating cereal out of the box, so yeah, yeah, I-I told her to get a job." I giggle.

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