Chapter II

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--In which a few people might or might not get they're ass whipped by (Y/n)

(Y/n) walked into the classroom after fighting her way through endless amount of people who flooded around the hallway

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(Y/n) walked into the classroom after fighting her way through endless amount of people who flooded around the hallway. She then saw a too fimilar face...

"Luna what the hell?!" (Y/n) exclaimed. The sight of the purple haired girl twirling her hair, making lovey dovey eyes at a boy was rare.

"(Y/n)! Aren't you supposed to be at the vending machine or urm...class?" Luna gasped.

Students looked at the scene. "Oh shit it's (Y/n)! We should get out of here," A few students whispered to each other.

Daniel gulped at the sight. Zack looked at the (e/c) eyed girl, that was a face he remembered.

"Weren't you the girl who almost stabbed someone with a pallette knife?" Zack questioned.

(Y/n) shrugged. "You mean like this one?" She asked, taking one out of her pocket. "Ahem! (Y/n) let's not make a scene," Luna coughed, eyeing Daniel.

"Your dead body is going to be the next and last scene I paint before I go to jail!" The wealthy girl exclaimed.

Luna looked flabbergasted as she felt fear. "(Y/n) you sure are scary," the boxer teased. "I don't even feel like giving you this lemonade..." She calmed down. Daniel was for sure fearing for his life.

"Now your assignment for this week and next is on the board, use your creativity and brains for once," The teacher sighed

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"Now your assignment for this week and next is on the board, use your creativity and brains for once," The teacher sighed.

Homework Assignment:
-Must include 1 or more people
-Realism or Semi-Realism
-Gouache or Acrylic ONLY
-50x70 canvas
-must have background

"I know i'm for sure going to ask Daniel if I can paint him!" A few girls cooed. "Do you know who you're going to draw?" Luna asked (Y/n). The class representative glared at the purple haired girl slightly.

"Nevermind then..."


Time to go home. The best time of the day!  (Y/n) quietly strolled alongside the cold cement. "Please wait up!" A voice exclaimed.

It was the transfer student from before. "...?" (Y/n) stopped in her tracks, turning her head to see a fast like sonic the hedgehog hog runner.

"H-hey! Watch it or you're going to-!" With that she fell to the ground. "Damn it, I told you..." She groaned, rubbing her head.

Daniel blushed at the spot he ended up at. Cliché isn't it? Boy falls into girl, boy is half a centimeter away from her face.

"Are you going to move or kiss me?" (Y/n) questioned. "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. "I guess I'm not used to the new body yet," Daniel thought.

"I guess he's pretty attractive up close," (Y/n) said in her mind.  "It's fine, but you should like... really get up. People are looking and I don't want to deal with that," She informed.

"O-oh, yeah!" Daniel gulped. "She's very attractive, but she has a bit of some anger issues, at least I haven't seen the worst of it,"

"Now what did you need," She asked, dusting off her skirt. "Right. You left this," Daniel held out her steel palette knife.

"Thanks," (Y/n) bowed. "See you around!" Daniel exclaimed. Her figure became harder to see as she walked away.

(Y/n) stared into her empty canvas, a paint brush in hand as she just kept her gaze on it

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(Y/n) stared into her empty canvas, a paint brush in hand as she just kept her gaze on it.

"I'm going to the convenience store!" (Y/n) declared. "Young Miss, should I drive you there?" Mr. Lim questioned.

"Please..." She muttered.


"Can you wait in the car for me?" She questioned. Her butler nodded and shooed her away.

(Y/n) looked at the ramen aisle. "If mom or dad catch me at least smelling this I'll be done for..."

She heard the bell from the door ding as she paid no attention to it. "Damn it smells like ass now-" She coughed.

"Hey, can you ring me up?" (Y/n) asked. Zack and his goons snapped their necks to look at the girl. "Your total is $5," Little Daniel gulped. (Money is in USD)

As he handed her back the change (Y/n)'s eyes glowed at the sight of him. "I think I found out what i'm going to draw," (Y/n) grinned. "H-huh?" He questioned.

"Stop bothering him and let me beat him up (Y/n)," Zack sighed. "You'll let me paint you right? I'll pay you! $1,500," She offered, taking a hold of his hand.

"Are you ignoring us?!" Doo exclaimed. (Y/n) glared at the three, she left up her leg. "A good day to wear pants."

"Are you trying to use taekwondo against boxing?" The boxer asked. The door suddenly opened catching the attention of all of them.

"Young Miss! You promised you wouldn't get into anymore fights," Mr. Lim said through gritted teeth.

(Y/n) furrowed her brows as she lowed her leg. "I did promise that..." She sighed. "See ya," (Y/n) waved.

She shouldn't have left

(Y/n) (L/n)Status:AliveAge:17-18School: J HighOccupation: UnknownFighting Style:Unknown Family: Unknown Mother and FatherOther: Upper class, not allowed to eat ramen, possible taekwondo learner

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(Y/n) (L/n)
J High
Fighting Style:
Unknown Mother and Father
Upper class, not allowed to eat ramen, possible taekwondo learner

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