chapter x

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To which, (Y/n) meets an old friend.

(Y/n) was trying to find something, but she forgot the second she stepped foot into Gangseo

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(Y/n) was trying to find something, but she forgot the second she stepped foot into Gangseo. So now she was looking around, trying to remember.

Her arm bumped into someone's shoulder, supposedly shorter than her. "My fault-" (Y/n) let out the most air robbing, last breath, just saw a Chihuahua rob and old lady gasp in her life. She coughed harshly, seeming like a psycho while choking on air.

"I'm sorry," She said, coughing one last time. "It's fine, why aren't you in Seoul?" An awfully nostalgic voice asked. It was Jiho, Jiho Park.

"Ah well...I sorta left? It's complicated." (Y/n) stated, scratching her cheek. "Nice to see you again, Jiho," She grinned.

It seems almost like his feelings towards her have never changed. He nodded in agreement at her previous statement. "It's nice to be back," Jiho mumbled.

(Y/n) was still finding her forgotten objective but this time in Gangdong

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(Y/n) was still finding her forgotten objective but this time in Gangdong. She missed hanging out with Yenna but Eli would never let her considering the fact she's now with Workers.

She was huddled up in front of a bar which she didn't even know of it. "Hey, are you from a run away fam?" A boy around her age with curly hair asked.

(Y/n) chuckled, turning her attention to him. "Do I really look like that?" She questioned. (Y/n) stood up, practically towering over the guy.

"Well you're pretty for a run away," He grinned. (Y/n) rose a brow at his statement. "Thanks?"  She said. "Well I gotta go do run away fam stuff," The girl waved off.

"Bye bye! Come back if you ever need to make money," The boy waved back. "I'm desperate but not that desperate," The girl thought.

(Y/n) really can't seem to catch a break

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(Y/n) really can't seem to catch a break. First she met Jiho even though he's been in juvie but now she's witnessing murder.

Two awfully familiar guys fighting. One was smashed into a car and the other one was just sulking or something. Seoul's really the same as before.

"Damn, really couldn't go easy huh?" (Y/n) questioned. The one that wasn't passed out looked up at her. His drowsy, miserable eyes looked up at her. 

She gasped again like she just saw a cat robbing a child, a goldfish walking a dog, or a naked old lady. It was Zack Lee!

"(Y/n)?" He questioned standing up to get a closer look at her. "Hm? No my name is Dave," She joked.

Zack wrapped her into hug. His strengthened arms around her waist. His head resting on her shoulder. He knows he should be mad at her for joining Workers, for leaving Seoul, leaving the school, for leaving him.  He didn't exactly resent her even though that had happened.

"You must hate me, I mean I-" "I don't. I can't ever seem to. I don't hate you. I hate the fact I don't know who you are anymore." Zack frowned. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around him.

"What keeps you motivated when you fight?" He continued. (Y/n) decided to think about it for a moment. Putting her finger to her lip as to think.

"Dunno, usually it was surviving but I don't know about now," The girl shrugged, pulling away from the hug. She patted his back, and grinned.

"Let's get going, Daniel's probably in trouble." (Y/n) suggested. "How'd you know-" She shushed him and decided it was probably best to leave that Jacky guy.

Along the way, Zack noticed a stray piece of steel chain. "This must be great for boxing... don't you think, (Y/n)?" He questioned, waving it around.

"Let me see," She grinned, making grabby hands at it. The boxer sighed handing it over to her. "It's not a toy so be careful with it," Zack cautioned.

(Y/n) started lightly hitting it on the ground before walking like she was playing jump rope. "You better give it back later," The boy muttered, missing the feeling of the cold metal.

She ignored his comment, too busy focusing on how many times she made it over the chain without tripping on her feet.

She ignored his comment, too busy focusing on how many times she made it over the chain without tripping on her feet

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Jump rope queen

Guys I might've made (Y/n) learn like too many martial arts moves but it's okay ‼️ the more the merrier

Anyways...I made a drawing of Lim, I'm not artist guys, I can only draw goofy flowers up in class. He might be a lil cross eyed....

 He might be a lil cross eyed

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I didn't feel like shading... anyways bye bye🐐 have a very magical unicorn day💨

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