chapter xix

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(Y/n) had to complete this walking exercise every morning at 4 am from the fish market and back

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(Y/n) had to complete this walking exercise every morning at 4 am from the fish market and back. "When am I going to actually learn something?" The girl huffed.

"Today, get ready by the afternoon," Qiáng stated, walking towards the kitchen. "You better be ready," She laughed. (Y/n) never feared someone more in her life.


The two now found themselves on the beach. "Now stay in your stance like I've trained you, don't cross your feet," Qiáng explained.

"Let's start small, a palm strike," The woman stated. "Okay now, you'll want to buddle up your fist but keep them open, and now extend this hand out," She said.

(Y/n) did as told, bending her knees slightly. Aligning her shoulders as she strikes. "I'll teach you some self defense, it's deadly so be careful" Qiáng grinned.

"I guess all that walking was for something,

"I guess all that walking was for something,

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Lesson 1: Krav Maga

The older woman continued to show her more techniques that followed the martial arts. Every evening to be exact.

They finally arrived home after 10 hours of training, it was already the middle of the night. "Is this all I'm going to learn?" (Y/n) questioned, dragging her feet behind her towards the kitchen.

"No, I guess I can teach you more martial art, so be patient," Qiáng stated. Something caught the younger woman's eyes. "Hey, is this you when you were younger?" (Y/n) asked, holding up a photo frame.

It was a slim yet muscular young woman with an interesting sense of fashion...a sleeveless, cropped turtle neck white baggy pants and steel toed boots.

"That was years ago, it's not even in color," Qiáng laughed in response. "I mainly used Eagle Claw Kung Fu," She continued. "I'll teach you that too,"

(Y/n) was sure going to cry after this....

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