chapter xx

638 44 12

Thank you for joining us on this adventure! We've made it to your stop, your final destination. Good luck!

(Y/n) spent the time in the train catching up on sleep

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(Y/n) spent the time in the train catching up on sleep. She would miss Buan and it's people. She'll miss Qiáng even more than ever now.

She had questioned where she belonged, she still hasn't figured it out. Eugene had sent her texts, paragraphs, and calls about fighting big deal but due to Ms. Qiáng she couldn't have her phone until after training. She ignored a bunch of them too.

Workers could ruin her life or her families. She wouldn't mind. Not at all. The train came to a stop. People rushed off the train, others getting inside the transportation. (Y/n) managed to leave the train doors.

She looked around the place. (Y/n) didn't know what she'd do now, what was there to do? That was something to worry about later.

(Y/n) took her small luggage bag and began to walk way. Each step more hesitant than the last. She wanted to run back on to the train and go back to the coastal area of Buan.

That's not where she belongs though. There's no place where (Y/n) could possibly belong to. She let out a deep breath, (Y/n) kept her head low. No confidence to raise her chin. There was nothing left to lose.

Was this freedom?

(Y/n) sat down at a small tent restaurant in Gangseo

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(Y/n) sat down at a small tent restaurant in Gangseo. Slowly eating plain white rice with a small portion of vegetables. The plain yet flavorful taste of the classic rice paired nicely with the fresh carrots.

She almost burned herself eating it all. "Oh? You're that (Y/n) girl!" A voice exclaimed. The person sat in front of her with a grin on their face.

"And you're Jake Kim of Big Deal," (Y/n) mumbled, another bowl of rice being placed in front of her. "That would be me," He chuckled. Jake looked up at her, a certain look of determination in his eyes.

"Do you need something?" She asked, stuffing her face with food. "Big Deal is being targeted by Workers currently and I really don't want to fight someone as strong as you-" "I'm not a part of Workers anymore," (Y/n) stated. Jake looked stunned at that wave of information.

"Oh." That's all that could leave his mouth. She continued on eating her side dishes. "That's great! You know we could use someone like you on our si-" "I don't fight unless I gain something now," (Y/n) cut him off again.

"I'm not giving up on you," Jake joked. "I would, bye." She said, leaving him dumbfounded at the table.

Had it been only a month since she last saw or been in contact with someone from her previous school maybe even more

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Had it been only a month since she last saw or been in contact with someone from her previous school maybe even more.

(Y/n) waltzed into Big Deal's battle. It seemed like Burn Knuckles, Vasco, Zack, and Daniel had already beat her there. She wore something that held much meaning towards her. The outfit Ms. Qiáng gifted her.

Her eyes caught glimpse of Daniel approaching Xiaolung. Maybe it was finally her time to show off. She scoffed, wondering if she shouldn't have even arrived.

"Too late now I guess..." (Y/n) thought. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around the man. She bent backwards until her hands touched the ground and slammed Xiaolung to the ground by throwing him with her legs.

Instant K.O

"I know he's injured but there's no way a girl like her could possibly defeat him," A bystander commented. (Y/n) spun back onto her feet, her eyebrows furrowed. That same serious look on her face.

"I should've stayed home..." She groaned, pulling at her eye sockets. That would be if she did have a home.

(Y/n) noticed someone who looked almost identical to Eugene aiming a punch at Zack. "People just love harming others, there's enough hate in the world give me a break," She scoffed.

(Y/n) jumped up above Zack's head before kicking the strange Eugene look a like to the ground. She let out a tired yawn.

"How... How is it possible J-High is able to get in our way? I didn't think you'll be able to push us this far back.

Vasco of Burn Knuckles, you weren't this strong before.

Zack Lee, you used to lose every fight.

(Y/n) (L/n), how is it possible for you to get even stronger?

And Daniel Park, how is it that you're giving such a powerful aura now?" Eugene stated, looking at the four of them. "I didn't think the hunt for Big Deal would be this difficult," He said, "... it's undeniable, I deem the four of you would be on par with first generation kings,"


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