Chapter XIX

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---In which, (Y/n) fights a stalker

(Y/n) had Haenguni on a fine silk leash today, she was walking back and forth at the park

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(Y/n) had Haenguni on a fine silk leash today, she was walking back and forth at the park. "I want to swing, from the chandelier. From the CHAN- anyways," She mumbled.

(Y/n) witnessed a little teen running towards the police station, dressed in feminine clothes that were a few sizes to small...

As the male entered Haenguni began to bark. "Haenguni what is it now?" She sighed. The dog's eyes never left the police station.

The girl began to have a weird stomach feeling. The small creature began running away from the police station, leading her somewhere else.

(Y/n) had ended back in front of the police station after dropping off Haenguni

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(Y/n) had ended back in front of the police station after dropping off Haenguni. "Jeez that dog is going to be the death of me," She sighed.

She had no reason for walking in, only the reason of her self. "Good day, Ms. (L/n)! Did your dad send you?" A police officer questioned.

Daniel's ears perked up at the sound of her name. "(Y/n)!" He exclaimed in surprise. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and looked at him in confusion. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"You'll let him go right?" (Y/n) inquired. "O-of course! Please put in a good word with Mr. (L/n)," One of the younger officers agreed.

"C'mon Daniel, let's get out of here," She stated. He nodded, rushing after her. They exited the station, going back to the breezing cold air.

She handed him a zip up jacket that seemed to fit him perfectly. "What's this?" He questioned. "That top isn't exactly fitting," (Y/n) chuckled.

The melody of her voice seemed to follow the beat of Daniel's heart though it began to speed up. "Who would walk around like that?" She grinned.

Something washed over the chubby boy's brain. "(Y/n)'s dad is a famous guy! She's pretty wealthy herself....I wonder if she was connections," He pondered.

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