chapter ix

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To which, (Y/n) needs to fight her friends

"Behind you," (Y/n) cooed, seeing an approaching Daniel Park

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"Behind you," (Y/n) cooed, seeing an approaching Daniel Park. "I trust you can handle him?" Eugene said. "Do it yourself,"(Y/n) yawned.

Though she couldn't just do this for shits and giggles, she has to or needs to work with Workers. She started lightly bouncing on her feet.

"It's getting cold? Or warm? How do you think death would feel?" (Y/n) grinned. She jumped up above Eugene's head before spinning and kicking her leg out towards Daniel.

"Aw, caught that," She mocked with her eyes. "(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" Daniel Park exclaimed. "Don't be confused, idiot. Keep your eyes on victory," She scoffed. Jumping back before leaning towards him to perform another kick.

"Gah!" He yelped jumping back. "I don't want to fight you, (Y/n)," Daniel stated. (Y/n) let his words simply get blocked out by her thoughts.

The disguised cap guy placed his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. As if to tell her to step back. "Fine, you fight him," (Y/n) grinned.

"Welcome to Workers, Daniel Park and thanks for staying with us, (Y/n) (L/n)

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"Welcome to Workers, Daniel Park and thanks for staying with us, (Y/n) (L/n)." Eugene grinned. A golden pin made it's point in the collar of their suits.

Daniel glanced at (Y/n) who was seated beside him. He wanted to question her, but maybe now wasn't the time.

"What happened to your right hand man?" Eugene questioned. "He left back to Sejong, not that you need to know that," She stated, looking down at her feet.

Daniel looked worrisome at the girl. "Why would you join Workers, (Y/n)? Why?" This and more was rapidly going through the teen's mind.


(Y/n) started down at the mask within her hands. Asl long as she stayed here she needed to wear one. A mouse. Is that what they thought of her?

A small, round pink nose, pink, rosey ears, round innocent eyes, a shade of white, decorated with a royal like red color. It was taunting.

A slight knock at the door made her heart leap inside her chest. "Fuck-" She cought out, trying to steady her heart beat. "It's open," (Y/n) called out.

The knob of the door twisted revealing Daniel Park, a new addition to Workers. "Oh." She said, dryly. What else was there to say? It felt as if all her words were locked inside her throat.

"Can we talk?" He questioned. She paused for a second, her rapid heartbeat being the only thing she could hear. "Not here. We shouldn't talk here," (Y/n) said.


(Y/n) looked at the boy, finally getting a chance to even look at him. "I'm sorry./Sorry!" They both said in unison. The girl looked at him in bewilderment.

"I'm the one who should be sorry." She scoffed. "I thought...I thought we had something." Daniel muttered. The girl looked at him with widened eyes. "We do- We did." She corrected herself.

"I don't have friends, I don't know how to keep them. So don't worry about me, ok?" (Y/n) stated, standing up. "We are friends. Whether you like it or not, i'll bring you back, (Y/n)," Daniel declared.

She playfully scoffed. "Good luck then, my savior," (Y/n) waved goodbye as she left. Daniel was left alone with only his thoughts to accompany him.

Other: she's just a girl in the world, nothing more to say tbh

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Other: she's just a girl in the world, nothing more to say tbh

I'm working on a (Y/n) development ocs I literally pulled out my ass(it took me 20 times to spell that)Anyways, let me know if you guys are curious about how Lim looks like, I can try my best to draw or show references of how I imagined his character.

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