Chapter xiii

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(Y/n) waited with Eugene and Mandeok for Daniel Park

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(Y/n) waited with Eugene and Mandeok for Daniel Park. A car finally arrived, the door slowly opened revealing the long awaited boy.

"Gain their trust..."

Well this will be one long of a train ride.


"Well then...have fun getting to know each other!" Eugene exclaimed, leaving through the elevator.

"Wait if you leave nor it'll be-!... awkward..." Daniel mumbled. He shrieked once he noticed one with a noh mask was in front of him.

"That startled me... Why did you surprise me like that?" Daniel said. "They speak Japanese," (Y/n) explained. "Oh..." He cleared his throat. "Demon Slayer Kimetsu." What a total idiot.

"Well, we have new members! You're Korean, it's a pain trying to understand what they're saying in Japanese. Pleased to meet you," A man wearing a Shiba Inu mask stated.

"You're Korean?!" Daniel questioned, by his tone he was shocked. "Yep, i'm a Seoul boy," The man explained. "Why do you talk with an accent?" (Y/n) asked.

"Since it make you look tough," He answered. "Oh right, it's not polite to wear this mask since it's our first time meeting. I'm Sinu Han," The one now known as Sinu grinned.



Nomen bumped into Daniel harshly before flipping him off. (Y/n) laughed at his antics. "He just flipped you off," She said, muffling most of her chuckles. Though she couldn't see since she was too busy laughing, Neko was glaring at her and Daniel.

(Y/n) laid down on her new bedroom, it was totally an upgrade from her apartment

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(Y/n) laid down on her new bedroom, it was totally an upgrade from her apartment.

Love-Hate Four Eyes:
Remember to make a scene💕

"This asshole is lucky he let me keep my phone," She huffed. "The circus isn't something I want to experience," (Y/n) groaned, pulling at her eyes.

A knock was heard at her door as it opened. "(Y/n)?" Daniel mumbled. "Is it that obvious through the mouse mask?" She asked, taking off the face mask.

(Y/n) sat up right on her bed. "I'm planning on betraying Workers, Daniel." She hummed, avoiding eye contact.

"W-What?!" He yelled. "Stop yelling," (Y/n) sighed. "Don't worry I have it all planned out!" She grinned.


"I don't have it all planned out,"

"Are you really apart of Workers now?" Zack Lee asked. Zack, Warren, Sally, and Vin Jin who had followed Zack were there. Along with the executives of the second affiliate.

(Y/n) silently waltzed towards the group. Her bandaged upper body with her suit blazer hanging off her shoulders. Her mouse mask hugging her face perfectly.

"You're really going to betray you're friends?" The woman questioned. Her light foot tapping made most of them turn their heads.

Of course the second affiliate, except for Daniel and possibly Doo were aware of Eugene's plan for (Y/n).

"Sad really, after all they've done for you..." She stated, taking off her mask. "It's like all of it was worthless huh?" (Y/n) mocked with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Eugene questioned, tilting his head. "I'll fight alongside the one's who are wronged, shouldn't I? It's wrong to let Workers take advantage," She stated, dropping her mask to the floor.

"You know what you lose..." Eugene warned. "Gah damn this guy took acting classes," (Y/n) thought. "Yes."

"I don't know what she just said but it sounded badass," Nomen stated.

(Y/n) was thrown into a waiting room, dresser in a horrid orange uniform

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(Y/n) was thrown into a waiting room, dresser in a horrid orange uniform. Contestant #95: (Y/n) (L/n).

"You're awake," Zack said. (Y/n) hummed, looking around. "Why'd you betray Workers?" He questioned. She just simply shrugged.


The huge metal doors began to slowly open, revealing a arena with people with masked faces sitting on bleachers.

"Next! Our youngest contests!" The woman with a cat mask announced. Laughter filled the stadium. Warren, Zack, and Daniel were in combat power f, though Sally was an e.

Vin Jin laughed at them. "You guys are just 0 won!" He continued. "Vin Jin participate #97 seemed like an ordinary high schooler, but turns out he's committed murder," Neko announced.

(Y/n) turned her head to look at the teen with sunglasses. He looked away, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Oh, seems like that's not all! Contestant #95, (Y/n) (L/n), has been charged with murder before, along with other criminal charges. This seems interesting," The woman said.

"Oh shit." (Y/n) coughed. She had joined Vin Jin in the look away in shame.

Contestant #95.
(Y/n) (L/n)
Combat Power: C
Betting amount: 1,000 won

"Our first game will now begin! Ant shaking."

Bro I just cried because my dad hugged me

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Bro I just cried because my dad hugged me have you been 💨 I should probably be sleeping but I'm not going to 🥳

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