Chapter vii.

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To which, the battle of UI Daniel and (Y/n) continues.

"You should leave with that girl before I kill you both, the "big kids" are going to brawl to the death

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"You should leave with that girl before I kill you both, the "big kids" are going to brawl to the death. Got it?" (Y/n) grinned, squatting to the other Daniel's level. He nodded, scooping up Vivi on his back and running.

"You aren't one to give warnings you know that?" Samuel sighed. Her smiling face soon dropped, as she cracked her knuckles. "No, but I'm feeling nice today," She said.

If the girl was good at one thing it was kicking. She jumped up to UI Daniel, giving him the false hope she was going to kick him. He lowered his knees, going into a defensive stance. This was just what she needed.

Upon about to reach the floor, she landed on the middle of his thigh and used it as a surface. She used her other leg to kick him in the face. (Y/n) chuckled, her eyes squinting in delight.

Though, it wouldn't be a fight without him fighting back. The unconscious state teen started copying the girl's jumping from before. Lightly hitting the floor with the top of his foot but not fully. He swung his foot at her, but she blocked it with her hand. Daniel wasn't done yet, he moved his foot and kicked her shoulder.

"Ouchie, that hurt," She mocked. Daniel wasn't done, he threw punches and kicks at her. (Y/n) didn't dare dodge them. "Idiot! What are you doing?!" Samuel gritted his teeth.

"Oops!" She gasped. A cocky grin made it's way into her lips. "I was just disciplining myself, " The girl yawned. (Y/n) was performing the same move as before, hopping on his knee and just when he thought she was going to do the same thing, (Y/n) put all her strength into a headbutt.

"Stop fighting before you get yourself killed," Samuel ordered. Ui Daniel grabbed a handful of the boy's hair along with the top of (Y/n)'s head. (Which means he either grabbed your hijab or hair or whatever)

The girl grinned, "How would you like to die?" Samuel silenced her with a glare making her scoff.

They both turned their head resulting in them seeing a fuming Johan. He held Vivi by her hair and his foot pinned down the other Daniel.

Johan and UI Daniel both shoved the one's in their hands away. (Y/n) hit the wall with her legs looking up and her back curved. She sighed as if she just snapped out her trance. "Ouch my everything hurts," The woman whined. "Should've thought of that before you went into a fight," Samuel lectured.

"My ribcage and shoulder hurts

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"My ribcage and shoulder do I know if my shoulder is dislocated?" (Y/n) tugged at Samuel's sleeve. "I have a headache..." she whined.

"(Y/n)!" An annoying voice exclaimed. That familiar blond grinned. (Y/n) gave a look to Goo and scratched her head. "Who..." She mumbled, squinting her eyes.

The girl picked up both Daniel, carrying one over her shoulder and one bridle style. "I'm hungry..." Who knew this girl could go from wanting to kill people to being hungry.


Daniel woke up, he took a deep breath of air as if he just went through war...which he sorta did.

"Oh you're up," A feminine voice stated. "Gah!" He exclaimed. "I didn't expect you to change that much," (Y/n) shrugged. "Where am I?" Daniel questioned. "Your house," She replied.

" house?" The boy looked around seeing his other body passed out next to him. The boy looked over at her, seeing most of her external injuries. Large bruises on her arms, and one on her forehead, along with dried blood around her face and hands.

"Did Daniel really beat you up that bad?" He questioned, he felt guilty over rush him. "You make it sound like I lost horribly," (Y/n) scoffed. "I did though, my ribs feels like hell," She sighed.

"Just breathing hurts," She stated, rubbing her sides. "You should go to a hospital," Daniel mumbled. "...well so you see, I kinda sorta kicked myself out from home and now i'm living on the streets-" (Y/n) said in a rushed tone.

"Huh?!" He exclaimed. "Bye, bye! Love you, goodnight!" She blurted, running out the door.



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I'm sick•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ and have tests...I'm too stressed i've been getting chest pains. Is that possible? Idk. Good luck if you have any exams/tests!

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