Chapter IX

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----In which (Y/n) gets stirred into trouble.

The roof looked extra unentertaining today as (Y/n) looked at it for around twenty minutes already

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The roof looked extra unentertaining today as (Y/n) looked at it for around twenty minutes already. "I'm bored," She mumbled to herself.

(Y/n) seemed to have rolled around her bed in everyway possible. The sound of scratching at her door alarmed her making her jolt up from bed.

"What type of demonic creature?!" She exclaimed. She grabbed the nearest weapon...a shoe!

(Y/n) slowly approached the door and twisted it. She gulped before opening it slowly. "Gaah! I'm under attack!" She exclaimed.


"It's my sister's dog," She sighed in relief. (Y/n) laid on the ground the animal licking at her face.

"What are you doing here, Haenguni?" A small pomeranian dog the color of coffee and a more hazel color on the nose. "Let me guess,sis left again?" (Y/n) questioned.

The dog happily barked before jumping off her. "Well i'm also bored and we can't always get what we want," She scolded. The small creature had a staring contest with her soul before running around. "Fine, you spoiled baby i'll get your favorite treat," (Y/n) scoffed.

(Y/n) jogged like she knew where she was going turning corners and walking across roads

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(Y/n) jogged like she knew where she was going turning corners and walking across roads. "Hey, what are you doing out late?" A voice questioned, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Gosh damn it! Oh hey, scared the hell out of me," She panted. "Where are you heading? It's dark out you know," He sighed.

"Convenience store," The girl replied. "Let's go together then," Zack recommended. She hummed in agreement.

Though the walk there was much quieter and awkward than she expected. "Do you remember, Jo-" "We're here," (Y/n) interrupted.

The two heard shouting and eyed each other. Though a weird looking guy vs a cashier isn't a fair fight wouldn't you say?

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