chapter i.

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You've failed to reach your destination

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You've failed to reach your destination. You'll need to stay on this train until we arrive at the next stop. Welcome to this train we call “life.” All aboard!

→To which, (Y/n) continues her horrid school and horrid business.

(Y/n) (L/n)
Status: Alive

The day begun, fresh and young like always

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The day begun, fresh and young like always. That sounds familiar, don't you think? Well that was the first chapter of
(Y/n)'s life. Let's begin a new one, shall we?


The days have begun, gloom and sluggish like always....

(Y/n) swiftly knotted up her tie, making sure it was neat. She let her hands fall to her sides as she looked at herself within the bathroom mirror. "Go to One MCN for business again they said. It'll be fun they said. Well here I am again," She curses at herself mentally. (Y/n) cracked her knuckles out of frustration. Hearing that satisfying crack cooled her nerves.

She hasn't been to school recently, or more like she hasn't gone since Hostel. Though her parents gave her pass as her excuse was "business." So they put her to work if that's why she was gone for so long.

"Fuck these chairmen, what is it with people wanting to be partners with my father," The girl scoffed just at the mere thought.

"Nice to see you again, Mr

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"Nice to see you again, Mr. Seo," (Y/n) grinned. "Oh, Ms. (Y/n), you came a bit early. I'm currently about to do an interview, I'll text you when we're ready for you," Samuel bowed walking away. The girl just nodded in agreement.

She walked away, making her way into the lobby to sit down. Her eyes followed a familiar figure. "(Y/n)!" A voice beamed. (Y/n) looked behind herself, her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry...have we met before?" This girl remembered him, she just couldn't face anyone right now. "I'm Daniel Park? Daniel's friend and roommate?" Daniel specified. (Y/n) eyed the two girls next to him her looked up at her with sparkles in their eyes.

"Woah! Daniel you know her? Woman in suits sure are the best," One of them grinned. The compliment caught the girl off guard. "I'll get going. Good luck in life or something," (Y/n) waved off.


"If our two companies form partnership, you are fully aware that any scandals will make the Hwa company's picture look bad?" (Y/n) confirmed, flipping through some papers."There isn't anything... suspicious going on within this company, correct?" She raised a brow.

"There isn't anything strange within this company, I can insure you that," Samuel smiled. Well his pants must be in fire because he's a liar.

The girl let the papers close as she looked back up at him. "Since I'm not the rightful owner of the Hwa group, I will need to confirm our partnership with my boss. Any questions?"

"No, Ms. (Y/n), I look forward to our partnership," The man with glasses stated. (Y/n) nodded with a bow as she made her way out the door.

"I know something strange is going on here... Workers," She noted within her head.

"You look a mess," A voice rang as Daniel was lead out of the Worker's building

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"You look a mess," A voice rang as Daniel was lead out of the Worker's building. "Huh?" His head had turned only to be met by the familiarity of a face he hadn't seen in a while.

"(Y/n)!" He beamed. "You're too happy, turn it down a bit," (Y/n) joked, checking her watch. Daniel ignored her remark and engulfed her in a hug. "When are you going back to school? It feels empty without you," The boy pouted, demanding answers.

She eyed around the place before tugging at his sleeves. "Let's talk somewhere else,"


"This place looks expensive..." Daniel thought. "I might never come back if i'm being truthful, Daniel," (Y/n) shrugged. That sure snapped him out his trance.

"HUH?!" He exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table triggering a loud sound. People turned their heads to look at him. His face immediately flustered and he sat himself back down.

"What do you mean?" Daniel questioned. "As long as I have to keep doing interviews with Workers my school life plummets. Though I do have tutors when I get home, my life is do you say. Punctual and packed," (Y/n) stated.

That was in fact correct if you take a look into her schedule the only choice would be jumping of a bridge. Her work begins at 5 am and ends at 6pm. And she doesn't get to sleep until her tutor decides she's smart enough for the day.

"School would be much better than all of that..." Daniel mumbled. "Mhmm, but since I made a lame excuse for not being there during all the Hostel stuff... I'm stuck." (Y/n) explained.

He grinned at her, taking a hold of one of her hands. "Why don't you try convincing them that school is better than tutors?" He suggested.

"I guess I could try..."

Other: (Y/n) studies and studies every day

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(Y/n) studies and studies every day.

You guys really thought I was giving up⁉️

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