chapter xxi

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(Y/n) scoffed looking ahead of herself

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(Y/n) scoffed looking ahead of herself. Former Yaunfen members dressed as Workers. "You all are a bunch of dogs, without a leader you could all split. But where to? Hm? Nowhere. Because I'm the one who saved you from misery," (Y/n) mocked.

"Shut up, bitch!" One of them exclaimed, charging towards her. She narrowed her eyes in a judging way. "I'm not fighting you, the fuck?" She taunted. (Y/n) dodged their failed attempt of a punch.

"I don't fight failures, it's too unfair," (Y/n) yawned. Her eyes then laid up on a bunch of fallen Big Deal members. "You should protect your street, red shoes. These guys who barely know Big Deal are taking all the action," She stated, squatting down to look down at him.

"So get up and fight. That is unless you are okay with loosing it all, then stop fighting," (Y/n) shrugged. Jason Yoon looked up at her with the tiniest bit of hope in his eyes. That soon went away due to seeing a bat just break in two on (Y/n)'s head.

The woman scoffed, standing up. "You bastards just don't know when to quit." She threw herself up before preforming a spinning kick.

(Y/n) picked up one of them that had fallen and spun him around, knocking out quite a bit of opponents. "Much easier when you're not standing on burning hot coal," She mumbled to herself.

(Y/n) took a piece of the broken wood before waving it around. "You used it so you don't mind if I do to, right?" That wasn't a question she was going to do it.

She took the broken bat and slammed it to the side of a Worker's head. This caused him to fly into multiple people next to him. She continued stabbing, whacking, sometimes even throwing it at multiple people.

That was until it broke in half. "Too bad," She shrugged. (Y/n)'s face staying neutral the whole time, no maniac fighting.

"She can only fight a few of us more... let's all get her at once!" One of Workers exclaimed. The woman scoffed, "This is easier than Ms. Qiáng's training..."

"You're not sleeping until you stop getting pecked by all the chickens!" The older woman exclaimed, watching as (Y/n) got brutally attacked by farm animals

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"You're not sleeping until you stop getting pecked by all the chickens!" The older woman exclaimed, watching as (Y/n) got brutally attacked by farm animals.

The girl was hurdled up in a ball between an abundance of chickens. "Ms. Qiáng I'm going to become chicken food..."


"Let's say someone wants to fight dirty and uses a weapon, how do you respond?" Qiáng questioned. She walked around with hands behind her back holding a frying pan.

"Um, unarm them?" (Y/n) guessed. "Wrong!" The older lady slammed the metal pan on (Y/n)'s head, leaving a dent in it. She could hear her own head ringing....

 She could hear her own head ringing

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(Y/n) got into her stance. One foot in front of the other and her hands in front of her the bottom of her face. She walked like Ms. Qiáng had taught her.

(Y/n) somewhat leaned back and moved her hips forward. She lifted her foot upwards and let it hit the one in front of her.

Krav Maga

He tried to move to aviod her hitting his groin. Well too bad too sad...

(Y/n) hopped onto her hands as if she was doing a hand stand. She then continued to twist her legs around in a tornado action. She had managed to knock most of her opponents down.

(Y/n) sighed as she stretched her shoulder forward. Eugene emerged from between them, a cocky smirk on his face. "(Y/n), it's nice to see you're doing well," He said.

She just looked at him with her brows furrowed along with her eyes narrowed. "I'd like to propose a pla-" "I'm not falling for that again, Eugene. Do you take me for a fool?" (Y/n) scoffed.

"Of course not, (Y/n). You're one of the most powerful and influential people I know," He stated, lifting up his glasses. (Y/n) gritted her teeth before aiming her fist at him.

Someone hopped in front of him, catching her fist with their hands. Familiar two toned hair, with brown eyes. All too familiar.

"Lim," She muttered, glaring at him. "I joined Workers, i'm sorry," He chuckled. (Y/n) sighed, going in for another punch. Lim attempted to catch it once more before (Y/n) caught his hand and twisted it behind his back.

"Go home, Lim," She muttered, pinning him to the ground. "What type of sick joke is that?" He chuckled, "You and I both know that I have no home, (Y/n)."

"Eugene promised that he'll help me find my birth parents and even my name! Isn't that great?" Lim grinned. "You're grandma's waiting for you. So why don't you just give up when I'm being nice, Yuze,"

I just ate the healthiest food ever guys, like shrimp, pasta, broccoli likee European core 😜

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I just ate the healthiest food ever guys, like shrimp, pasta, broccoli likee European core 😜

#shoutout to the person who reminded me to update 🔥🔥 neko-chanthehoe

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