chapter xxii

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Lim laughed, pushing (Y/n) off of him

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Lim laughed, pushing (Y/n) off of him. "(Y/n), who's Yuze? What do you mean grandma, no family, remember?" He said.

"I met her, so go home and stop being involved in this type of stuff. You were never cut out for this," She stated, turning her back to him. (Y/n) threw a piece of paper at his forehead.

Lim quickly caught it and opened it. An address. Maybe something finally hit him, he gave it no second thought and rushed away from Gangseo.

(Y/n) turned back to Eugene and smirked. His grin merging into a frown. She walked away from him, not sparring him another glance.

(Y/n) looked towards Jason Yoon who was carrying Jake, Jason had a hard time even carrying himself. She snaked her arm around Big Deal's leader's other side, holding him up.

Jake looked up at her. A faint smile decorated his lips. "I knew you'd be here," He mumbled, his voice straining. She scoffed and looked away from him.

"What can I say? You really impressed me with your charisma," (Y/n) teased.


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"...Looks like today will be Big Deal's last," Eugene smirked. But a strange and mysterious figure made their way towards all of them.

Just had to make a dramatic entrance just by walking. "You damned son of bitches, I told you not to get caught doing something illegal. Now you're having a whole gang fight in the open?" A voice most everyone knew.

"It's been a while since it rained, and since i've said these words. Workers, you are no longer part of the four major crews," The voice continued.

"How amusing, Jake Kim, I never thought you'd ask me for help. So you're willing to like the shoe of your enemy if that means saving Big Deal. And when, pray tell, will you get around to killing me," Of course it was Gun himself.

(Y/n) looked around, seemed like there was plenty of people ready to murder that man. Magami Kenta was digging his finger tips in the ground, lifting some of the ground up.

"Who among all of you is going to kill me?!" Gun exclaimed. The ends of his lips crinkled into a murderous grin. A true maniac who knew he couldn't be defeated.

"Are you here to help us?" Daniel asked, standing in front of Gun. "Me? Help you guys?" The taller man looked around. "Please don't look at me, please don't look at me," (Y/n) thought, looking down at the ground, slightly crying inside.

"He's got want it takes, inside and out. Gongseop Ji's clothes... that's right, it's a sign times are changing." His eyes wondered onto someone with a more feminine structure.

Gun stared for a split second before tearing his eyes away. "I'm just here to take back what's yours."


Maybe Eugene was wrong for even thinking his most trusted companions were on Gun's level. No one was on Gun's level.

Maybe Hostel's Eli Jang and Warren Char were fools to think they had a chance against Gun. Not even Magami Kenta who had such a burning hatred towards that man could barley touch him.

And when all is said and most every string of hope is lost, Ryuhei thinks he had a fighting chance with a weapon he deemed strong enough to take on Gun.

Five of worker's most powerful fighters gone. But of course Eugene had a trick up his sleeve.

James Lee of the First Generation.


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