chapter xxiii

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"James Lee, you acted like you were going to betray Charles Choi

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"James Lee, you acted like you were going to betray Charles Choi. So you completely went over to Workers' side?" Gun smirked. His cigarette was held up to his mouth, a taunting look in his face.

"Well it happened. He'll find out soon enough. You can't take Eugene." James Lee stated. "And if I insist?" Gun mocked.

"I'll stop you," A smile crept onto the pink haired man's lips. "Seems like you aren't the only one against me," He continued.

Daniel Park. Zack Lee. Euntae Lee.

(Y/n) stood afar, holding up the leader of Big Deal. Looking down at her feet. She heard slight conversation.

"Big Deal and Burn Knuckles, let me give you an offer. You're fate will depend on these three," James Lee stated.

"That right, it was always three, never four."


"I guess they're friends, just like us," He stated. "Friends?" She asked. .

"Is that your definition or friends? We could be a unicorn or rainbow, you could call it whatever,"

"Sure, we can be a unicorn or rainbow, (Y/n)," The boy mumbled.


"Thank you, (Y/n)!" He smiled.

"Vasco, if I stop smoking will you marry me?"

"Eh? Sure!" Vasco grinned


"I know you've waited for the moment the (Y/n) (L/n) gave you a piggy back ride." She teased.

He scoffed,"You wish."

Zack snuggled into the depth of (Y/n)'s neck. He inhaled her scent, it was floral mixed with with money, she in fact smelled expensive.


"It was always three...never for a moment could it have been four,"

In the end, Daniel Park managed to land a hit on James Lee. And with that the pink haired man turn around and walked away.

A loud whack sound made (Y/n) look up. "You fucking thugs!" An aggressive voice exclaimed.

The swat team? They continued to shout and talk amongst themselves. Hitting people in their way with batons.

Jake firmly planted his feet in the ground. He looked over at (Y/n), almost as if telling her to let go. She gave him an almost unreadable look.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, her eyes narrowed, almost as if she was angered. Yet her lips were molded into a frown and her eyes were slightly softened.

"You should go," He stated. "I don't want to." She scoffed. Jake held back his laughter and slowly patted her shoulder. "Well go even if you don't want to because I want you to."

(Y/n) trudged towards no where in particular

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(Y/n) trudged towards no where in particular. No money and only a backpack of her belongings. No place to go.

She sighed, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "(Y/n)! Wait up," A voice exclaimed. It sounded far away but suddenly the foot steps were near. "Hm?" She hummed, turning her head. "Daniel...?"

He looked at her, she almost wanted to break the eye contact. "I want you," Daniel stated. She looked at him with the most disgusted look.

Then it finally hit him what he said. "O-oh! No not like that! I just wanted you to urm join my crew," Daniel coughed. "Crew?" She raised a brow.

"(Y/n), you're one of the strongest people I know, I would love to fight with you on my side," He grinned. (Y/n) stated silent before she started walking away.

"(Y/n)?" Daniel mumbled. She stopped in her tracks, slowly turning back to look at him. "I think this is where we should end, don't you think?" (Y/n) suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what you think,"

"I don't want to join you."

He stood with his mouth slightly agape. His eye brows bent with worry. "(Y/n)?" Daniel called out. She walked away, she was far yet still to the point he could see her.

Something rang throughout his body. His feet took the lead as his shoes hardly hit the ground. (Y/n) heard the loud footsteps, she knew who it was but she didn't want to turn around.

Daniel took a small leap in his last step towards her. His arms were reaching out to her. And he finally had her in his arms. "(Y/n)..."

"Daniel, I think this is where we say goodbye,"

"Daniel, I think this is where we say goodbye,"

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Well guess what guys ...this is the end

Thank you so much for reading i'm so glad you could stick around. And I hope you keep sticking around because we getting a part 3 of this book because I want to

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