Chapter XXXIII

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-----In which, (Y/n) turns into the old lady that swallowed a fly

-----In which, (Y/n) turns into the old lady that swallowed a fly

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"Eugene? You look familiar have we met before?" (Y/n) questioned. "I don't believe so, Ms. (L/n)," The boy smiled.

"Call me (Y/n), both of you," She commented. "Now let's discuss what you came here for, I wouldn't want to keep you out too long," Eugene insisted.


"(Y/n), tell me how much longer you're going to play dumb," Samuel commented, lighting a cigarette. His hair was messy, his tie was let loose, and a few buttons unbuttoned. (Y/n) would have had a nose bleed just looking at him.

"I don't know what you mean, Mr. Samuel," She sighed. Her head turned but was shoved into the wall. He cornered her between his arms and looked into her soul.

"You know exactly what I mean, Ms. (Y/n)," He glared. "No. I don't. You must have me mistaken with someone else," She scoffed, getting out of his cornering. She looked at him one last time before walking away. Samuel sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck,"

She did in fact know what he meant

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She did in fact know what he meant.

(Y/n) stood pondering the thought, what could he be referring to. Yeah maybe it could be about her past but she probably tuned it out.

"Hey, loser," Vin Jin greeted. "Hello, sweetheart!" (Y/n) joked. "Don't call me that," He coughed, clearly flustered.

"Fine, fine, what do you want...My love♡" She teased. "Nevermind, I'll ask someone else to go with me to the canteen," Vin said.

(Y/n) wrapped an arm around him and laughed. "C'mon, Vin, buy me something!" She smiled.


"I helped you so give me your ears! Hehe...these soft, small ears," Mary Kim grinned. Jace had no reaction, but he saw Vin with (Y/n) nearing.

"Stop it, they're going to think we're going out," Jace slapped her hand away. His eyes met (Y/n)'s, she grinned and held up a thumbs up.

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