Chapter XXXII

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----In which, (Y/n) does something

"Get out the car!" "Stop pushing," "I forgot to use the bathroom before we came

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"Get out the car!" "Stop pushing," "I forgot to use the bathroom before we came..." the 3 (L/n) siblings argued. I'll let you figure out which (Y/n) said.

"The three (L/n) siblings are together for once! This happens once every blue moon..." A few students mumbled. "The what?" Someone questioned.

"Oldest! Byeol... she's a model, and also an aspiring actress"

"Middle, (Y/n), as you know she's an artist and also runs a few business with her father."

"I heard she was a used to be thug.."

"And lastly youngest. Hyoen-U. He's a smart computer tech guy. He owns a company based on that. Also he's rival with that Kouji guy,"

"Get your ass out the car!" Hyoen-U exclaimed, kicking (Y/n) in that back. "Stop shoving," Byeol demanded. "Well you try not getting kicked!" (Y/n) said.

"But they don't get along as well,"

"(Y/n)! There's a fight going on in Fashion dept." Luna informed. "What do you want me to do?" (Y/n) asked.

"You're in the student council...break it up or something," The purple haired girl mumbled.

"Anyways where were you the past couple of days?" Luna asked. "What would you do if I suddenly disappeared?" (Y/n) asked, putting her head against the desk.

"Mary just touched Jace's ears," Luna informed. "What." She muttered.


"Hey what are you doing here, (Y/n)?" Vasco questioned with a grin. "Hmm..." She glanced at Jace but looked back at Vasco.

Her hand reached out to his ear and softly touched them. "Urm...(Y/n)?" Vasco asked.  "Hm? I'm sorry," (Y/n) said.

"It's just just that SOMEONE is having an ear affair," She coughed. Jace looked away, pretending as if he isn't the culprit.

"Really? When we get married you can touch my ears as much as you want," The muscular teen beamed.

(Y/n) almost shed a tear, she engulfed him into a hug and buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Vasco, will you marry me..." She mumbled.

"We haven't even held hands yet! You're taking this to fast, I think we should have some space..." Vasco stated.

"Vasco, I thought we had something," She joked. "I'm sorry," He apologized. Jace looked at the two weird, Vaco must've thought it was true.

"(Y/n), come over here," Jace sighed. (Y/n) walked over, detaching from Vasco. He sighed, and face palmed.

"Hey, cheater," She judged. "(Y/n), here me out okay--" "You let someone else touch your ears and you...enjoyed it," The artist gasped.

He sighed, and looked away. "You can touch them as much as you want then," Jace offered. His face turned bright red. It was like putting his whole life on the line. "Hm...tempting, fine," She scoffed.

"(Y/n), my dear, you wouldn't mind going to check out a business opportunity for me huh?" Her father, Chin-hwa, questioned

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"(Y/n), my dear, you wouldn't mind going to check out a business opportunity for me huh?" Her father, Chin-hwa, questioned.

"Of course not, who is it?" She responded. "One MCN," He grinned. "...One MCN? That streamer thing?" (Y/n) asked. Her father nodded as a reply.

"I told them that I would send someone else... hopefully they aren't as surprised when they see you," Chin-hwa sighed.


"...A girl?" A bald presumed teen commented. (Y/n) had to put on an act if she wanted to scadadle.

"Yes, sir, my name is (Y/n) (L/n), Mr. Chin-hwa's middle child," She bowed. "I'll let Samuel take over, I don't want to deal with this. Wait here, huh, don't go anywhere," Alexander Hwang warned, narrowing his eyes.

She nodded, bowing as he walked away. "Annoying piece of shit," She thought. A while later a more (cough cough) attractive man walked in.

"Hello, my name is Samuel Seo, the chairman should be here soon," Samuel commented. (Y/n) nodded, her eyes getting a little to disrespectful. "Gah damn...are they bigger than Vasco's--"

"Chin-hwa's daughter right? (Y/n), I believe," He struck up a conversation. "Correct, I'm usually mistaken for my sister, Byeol, since she's the older one," (Y/n) grinned.

"If I may, you seem more appealing to the eye, Ms. (Y/n) (L/n)," Samuel stated. "Thank you, well Byeol is the model so I state otherwise. Just flattering me won't get you the opportunity you know," She laughed.

He nodded. "Does she not remember me or is she just playing dumb?" The black haired teen pondered. The room stayed quiet until the door opened.

"Good evening, Mr. Seo, Ms. (L/n), I didn't think they'd send you over. My name is Eugene," The strange boy introduced himself.

(Y/n) (L/n)Status:Money, money, moneyAge:MoneySchool: Jae Won HighOccupation: Working at a company Fighting Style:MoneyFamily: Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni Other: Money

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(Y/n) (L/n)
Money, money, money
Jae Won High
Working at a company
Fighting Style:
Biological mother: unknown, Step-Mother: Eun, Father: Chin-hwa, Sister: Byeol, Brother: Hyeon-U, and Haenguni

ANYWAYS idc if Alexander is the big boss guy of One MCN Eugene is the chairman of workers so ‼️😍put all your other thoughts behind and just think Eugene or Samuel 🙏🏼

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