Chapter XXXVII

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---In which, yes

"I take it you already heard of Olly Wang's death?" Gun questioned, placing a cigarette at his lips

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"I take it you already heard of Olly Wang's death?" Gun questioned, placing a cigarette at his lips. (Y/n) nodded her head, leaning against the couch cushions. "Did you really come over because you ran away?" He asked.

"You ask a lot of questions, plus my mother won't care. That woman would rather me dead anyways," She shrugged. "You address her so formally," The man scoffed. (Y/n) looked over at him, slightly raising a brow.

"Maybe that's because I've only had a mother, not someone to call 'mom,'" The girl shot back. "Fine, fine, whatever you say. What are you going to do know that Yaunfen is back," He said, puffing out smoke from the deadly stick.

"I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to get my old life back," She sighed, pulling at her face. She was aggravated with everything, the world and even the floor.

Gun walked towards the door, putting his white coat to hang off his shoulders. "You coming or not?"

"If you don't want to be a crew, it's fine

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"If you don't want to be a crew, it's fine. A new one can always pop up in your place. Plus, Big Deal and Workers are still standing strong," Gun stated. "There's also a possibility of Yaunfen," He continued.

"Don't bring them into this," (Y/n) scoffed, massaging her temples. Eli's eyes widened at the sight of her. "What is she doing with him?" Was what was basically going through his mind.

She slapped the back of Gun's head while dragging him away. "Remember to feed Yenna on time," The girl waved off.


"Aren't you going to go back home?" Gun asked. (Y/n) shook her head, kicking at some rocks in her path. "Whatever, you're sleeping on the couch anyways," He shrugged, speeding up to skip past her. The girl instinctively chased after him.

This caused the black haired man to start running, at this point him and (Y/n) were having a running competition. By the time they reached what Gun calls home, it was surprising how they still weren't out of breath at this point.

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